PIP Assessment-Ben Hall
Ben Hall is believed be been born in Maitland, New South Wales on the 9th of May 1837. His parents were both ex-convicts, Eliza Somers and Benjamin Hall, who sadly passed away in 1951 which explains why he robbed many different people in New South Wales, and became one of Australia’s most wanted bushrangers that Australia has ever had, to date.
Ben then became a stockman and sold cattle to all of the miners on the diggings at Lambing Flat. Be was known as a hard working and honest man who never gave up if e was given a task. Ben caught wild cows and wild horses that were located in nearby hills. Ben Hall began running his own butcher shop in 1852 in a small town near Murrurundi, but he started getting into trouble with the local police for stealing horses and cattle. Later on in life, he got married to a lady named Bridget Walsh in Bathurst.
In 1862, his life was then changed forever as his wife left him for another man and took their son, Henry with her. He went back to his home to find that his farm had been burnt down along with a large sum of his farm. He also came back to find all of his cattle and livestock dead of starvation as they had cruelly been left in the stockyards. Hall then lost interest in cattle and saw no need to live as he became closer to Frank Gardiner, a commonly known bushranger in the area.
He then started to get himself in to trouble with the police when he was arrested for highway robbery, but was released when
-he later got caught and he claimed it was self defense and fled North Carolina and had to leave his fortune behind.
William Howitt was a brave and confident leader of the Gold Fields and life. Many men followed his lead as Warden. William Howitt started life as a miner and grew to be a confident leader for Parliament. He was born on the 18th of December 1792, Derbyshire, England. William and his younger brother Godfrey Howitt both went to Ackworth School in England.
He was raising cattle on the Manning river and had worked on a property near Bathurst before deciding to go to California. Dissapointed at the poor returns from the mob of cattle.
A week after his release, there was a bank robbery in Richmond, Indiana. In addition, there were more bank vault burglaries. For example, in Jefferson City, Jimmy stole five thousand dollars. Due to this, Ben Price, the detective that imprisoned Jimmy, was summoned
With the good standing amongst the gentility of the Lachlan district the result of which harnessed Ben's widening reputation of reliability viewed through comments such as;[sic] "...he was a good mate at mustering cattle or running wild horses." Ben developed a friendship with one, in particular, Daniel Charters another local grazier whose family had extensive property between Carcoar and Forbes. Daniel Charters was 6 ft. tall, of stout build, a fresh complexion, light brown hair, blue eyes and could read and write, a very useful attribute for helping his friend Ben Hall, who could do neither. The two men went on to establish a close friendship. Furthermore, both men had similar attributes, amiable, excellent horsemen and Bushmen. Charters stated;[sic] "...I have known Ben Hall for six or seven years; I used to be at his place when I was gathering cattle for myself and for my sister."
He pleaded guilty last fall to violating banking law as he sought to pay $3.5 million to at least one of four victims, so called hush money, as to prevent them from coming forward with sex abuse allegations.
Daniel Hall was born to William and Charlotte Hall on March Twenty-Seventh 1837 in Hanover, New Hampshire. He had a sister Olmidy and lived with several hired laborers(U.S census Bureau). It was a hard life, working six days a week
Benjamin Rush was born on January 4, 1746 in Byberry Township, Pennsylvania. In 1751, his father, John Rush, passed away and so his mother had to run a grocery shop in
On his own, still young and free, for the next several years Jack Taylor committed crime after crime in California, Kansas and Oklahoma. Bold, daring and shameless, Taylor spent more time in prisons and jails, than he did on the streets.
went to work to support his family. He was hired as a apprentice to a bookseller were he
Richard’s first arrest, the beginning to his extensive criminal history, occurred at age 13 for trespassing and was followed by numerous other arrests over the better half of a decade. When he was 21 years old, Richard was found guilty of forging a fellow co-worker’s
PIP proposal for eduClimber eduClimber support person - Limit 2 per building Duties: Attend annual training off site Offer staff training and refresher sessions after school (At least one per trimester) Meet with administration annually to provide training/updates Troubleshoot and aid staff with eduClimber issues as needed PIP points: _______
Ben Hall at the close of 1864, had returned to the district that he knew so well and caught up with old friends and news of the goings-on in his old stomping ground and visited Thomas Higgins proprietor of the 'Dog and Duck' hotel on the outskirts of Forbes and who years before when Hall was a boy attended to Hall's severely broken leg and a man respected by Hall, after Hall's visit the three bushrangers arrive at The Newell's hotel at Bandon and without fear of police capture relax and stay the night. The Newell's were close friends of Ben Hall as Agnes Newell was the sister of Ben Hall's great chum Daniel Charters, here Hall may have appraised news of his good friend who by this time was believed to be under police protection at Sydney. Below
Number Five: He Was Arrested for Assaulting a Police Officer. The officer came to his mom in 1987 after the police were called in response to a noise complaint. All the charges were eventually dropped.
That is when he began dealing drugs. He then got caught and now resides in maximum- security jail.