
Pacific Brands Case for Critical Thinking

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Pacific brands case for critical thinking

Pacific brands are the largest manufacturer and supplier of essential brands in New Zealand and Australian. The brands the company deals with include Holeproof, Bonds, Kayser, Sheridan, Hard Yakka, Berlei, and uniforms for firefighters'. Because of the values it shared with its Chinese suppliers, when the economic crisis hit Australia the company decided to close seven factories in Australia and relocate the manufacturing operations to China ADDIN EN.CITE John R. Schermerhorn2010248(John R. Schermerhorn, Chau, Davidson, & Poole, 2010)2482486John R. Schermerhorn, J.Chau, S.L.Davidson, P.Poole, D.Management Foundations and Applications201042 McDougall Street. Milton, Queensland 4064, AustraliaJohn Wiley & Sons Australia, Limited9781742166346 HYPERLINK l "_ENREF_3" o "John R. Schermerhorn, 2010 #248" John R. Schermerhorn, Chau, Davidson, & Poole, 2010). This decision resulted in the loss of 1850 jobs. Desire to reduce the company's operating cost and lower the price of their products, this was because Australians wanted to pay less for their clothes. Ironically, the company' top executives were rewarded with pay rises. The CEO's pay was increased to $1.8 million from $680,000. This provoked outrage because of the many Australian jobs that had been lost. Many of the employees had considered their fellow employees to be family. The employees who were left in the company

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