
Paper Questions

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2.4.2 Conceptions and Past Paper Questions

Norton & Irvin (2007) found that a considerable number of students who have difficulties understanding fractions, negative numbers and ratios also struggle with solving algebraic problems.

Conception 1,2 and 3 are predominant in the GCSE foundation syllabus and in post primary mathematics in general. It is evident upon research into examiner reports that students have difficulties relating to these conceptions.

Below is an example of a question found in the 2014 Maths GCSE foundation exam.
Figure 1 (GCSE Math Jun 14 Foundation Tier Unit 2 Q.18)

The Chief examiner reported, ‘Many candidates did not understand the meaning of ‘Write an equation in terms of w’ and as a result lost all …show more content…

2.6 Creating an App
2.6.1 The Chosen Software

The first consideration for the app was the software needed to create it. As the developer does not have advanced knowledge or expertise on coding, the software programme needed to match their skills appropriately. Luterbach and The second point to consider was the desired outcome. The overall aim of this project was to create an engaging user- centred app, which highlighted two of the misconceptions in GCSE algebra.

The software programme chosen enabled interactive elements and testing features to enhance students learning and knowledge.

2.6.2 Using an app to teach algebra

“Technology is essential in teaching and learning mathematics; it influences the mathematics that is taught and enhances students’ learning.”(McGehee & Griffith, 2000). Similar to McGehee and Griffith, Ghosh (2012, cited Drijvers, 2016) believes that the integration of technology and ICT has suggested a positive impact on the achievement of students in the general algebraic education but in particular solving word problems.
The most recent phenomenon has been the

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