
Paperfold Advantages And Disadvantages

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CHAPTER-1 INTROUCTION, MOTIVATION AND FORM-FACTORS 1.1 Introduction PaperFold is a mobile device invented to become a device for every use. It is a device which is meant to be a laptop, computer, tablet and a smartphone all at the same time. It is made to be small enough to fit the pocket even when collapsed and yet giving enough real estate to do any kind of work desired. It is a thin filmed device which gives it a weight approximate to a paper yet at the same time it is meant to be durable. It has multiple screens all fold able and detachable giving it large real estate value. And just like a book it is meant to be a navigation easy and at the same time space saving. PaperFold combines the benefits of context-aware multi-display devices …show more content…

Paperford can be attached in 14 different orientations. PaperFold is thin and has a large real-estate. 2.2 Pros and Cons 2.2.1 Pros Extensions: Extension in horizontal and vertical display was made easy in PaperFold and could be used for a large amount of real-estate out of thin film screens. 3D Shapes: Bending inwards or outward to show 3D views operation in map application where data data elements are not inherently limited to 2D was seamless in the PaperFold. Detachable Slates: Detachable Slates helped in promoting modularity as well as a connecting different slates together to make more of the functionalities. It helps in showing different apps or application of duplicate. 2.2.2 Cons Above recommendations are based on heuristics and can be considered valid only within the limitations of the presented device and user study. It is believed that results are sufficiently clear to generalize to other application scenarios and device morphological. It is recognized that PaperFold prototype has shortcomings that did not allow to evaluate use by multiple users outside a laboratory environment. In particular, an important future direction is to remove the dependency on cables and extraneous equipment for what is supposed to be a mobile

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