
Participant Assessment And Intervention Plan

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Participant Assessment and Intervention Plan
The theory I believe is the most appropriate to use to assess the participant 's situation is the ecological theory also known as the ecosystems theory. The ecological theory analyzes the ways people react and adapt to their physical and social environments. The theory aims to identify the sources of oppression that are found within these systems and address their negative effects. The environment refers to the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem. The microsystem is comprised of the interactions the person has within the family, school, neighborhood, and work. The interactions, relationships, friendships, and experiences the person has with these systems directly affect the person. The mesosystem refers to the interactions between the family and school or between the family and the neighborhood. The exosystem refers to interactions that affect the person but in which the person has no direct role such as policies enacted by the city the person lives in. The macrosystem refers to the cultural, political, economic, and social factors that affect the society in which the person lives in. The chronosystem refers to events and changes that occur throughout the person’s life such as marriage, death, or the birth of a child. Because the ecological theory addresses all of the areas of a person’s environment I consider it to be a helpful tool in identifying some of the challenges that Michael faces within

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