
Patient Oriented Radiology Reporter (PORTER)

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The article that I read talk about how patient contact becomes very important to the radiologists. ‎Now that patients can access patient portals online, so patients now contact became even more difficult. The author can direct contact by providing reports that easy to understand. The university of Pennsylvania HUP in Philadelphia invented patient oriented Radiology ReporTER (PORTER) to narrow the patient and radiologist relationship gap. The university of Pennsylvania only focused MRI reports and provides medicinal definition for the medicinal terms. The assistant professor of radiology and chief and advanced imaging at HUP, Cook said that PORTER helped the radiologist to interact with their patient more than ever. The patient can look up their report easier and with their in their own time. Now they want to react more patient while provided this service. …show more content…

This service would not provide more categories. The service was developing in 2014, but it was rolled in 2015. It does not need special software. The URL can take the patient where to log in, and then they view their report without give away the patient's identification. It is safe and secure for the patient. The developers combined through hundreds of images of the knee MRI report glossary of medicinal terms. The medicinal term highlight and definition pop up or gives images or other web links. The patient can print glossary terms with definition. The radiologists' name appears on the report as well as the online. Cook said that the patients had little understood about the radiologist's role in diagnostic imaging, but this service narrowed the gap between the radiologists and patients. Before, Cook stated that they were doctor's doctors, but that is changing, and it is not just radiologists. Cook said that patient entitled their report, and they are more participating in their care. However, access information not create equal because

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