
Patient Safety Culture Essay

Decent Essays

Culture Essay

This issue I identified during my clinical practices and this is related to the patient safety culture. Almost in any healthcare setup, the operation theatre staff has a prescribed surgical attire. Sometimes Operation theatre staff during or after completing the surgeries leave the OT room without removing the surgical attire. Exposing the surgical attire to the outside environment that has comparatively higher number of bacteria in air is one the major cause of nosocomial infections acquired during invasive procedures. For instance, the pathogens if directly exposed to the place of incision e.g as in laparoscopy. The number of bacteria multiply by thousands of times more rapidly as compare to the normal exposure and this exposure cause lethal infections at surgical site.Those patients who are undergoing some Invasive procedures are very much vulnerable to nosocomial infections. There may be many reasons but one I observed is due to keep wearing the surgical attire out of the operation theatre. The standard operating procedure is that it Must not be used again if entering in the surgery room. But, some of the OT staff do not care and they use it without laundering .There OT dress become one the major cause of nosocomial infection. HROs do not neglect Such negligence but it is common in those healthcare facilities that …show more content…

The simple proposition is that the greater the individual’s level of commitment to the safety the less formal control is needed . To promote a strict discipline in organization Amitai Etzioni in 1961 offered theory. Effective organizations need strict discipline and member compliance. In order to achieve that compliance three types of influence can be exerted on the members.. In thinking about the dynamic influence of organisational power Etzioni delineated three base forms of

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