
Pay Attention To Equality And Diversity In The Workplace

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Now I am going to address three aspects, which are related to why organizations should pay attention to equality and diversity. The first one is social justice case. It is based on treated fairly in the workplace and more specific meaning is each employee should have same pay, equal opportunities to improving themselves and same training. These also related to harassment, bullying and discrimination (Law Advisers, 2016). Everyone is same so individuals should protect own right. If employees are treated inequality, they should stand up and defend themselves’ right. In the workplaces, there might exist direct or indirect discrimination and the common discrimination is race discrimination. From the statistics of Law Advisers (2016), white people are 2.5 …show more content…

Not only the discrimination happened in race, but also many characteristics tend to be discriminated by others. Such as age, disability, gender, religion and sex orientation. Discrimination is an issue about human right, employees will treated fairly if the government pay more attention on this issue, and another important things for the whole social are raise competitiveness and make economy more effectively (Dickens 2007: 468). In addition to this negative impact of social, harassment and bullying are also should be concerned. Harassment is defined intimidate, degrade, humiliate, offense to someone or trample dignity with purpose in the Equality Act 2010 (Acas, 2014). Harassment normally through email, phone and other electronic equipment, so these behaviours disturb individual’s daily life seriously. Another negative behaviour is bullying. Bullying is creating Offensive, intimidating, malicious environment to individuals, and sometimes the people will be injured (Acas, 2014). They are all about moral issue, if organizations deal with these behaviours badly, there might be have a negative effect on the whole

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