
Pedigree Ad Analysis Essay

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What An Audience Prefers: Witticism Over Melancholy Advertising is a multi billion-dollar industry. Ads are constantly viewed on televisions, read in magazines, and heard on radios as ways to hook the attention of target audiences. Ads are designed to capture the interest of a specific audience. Grasping the attention of a specific audience is to ensure the best sales for the company’s products. One tactic that Pedigree exhibits in their ads is humor. In the Pedigree ad, a flower is skewered into a pug’s rectum. Not only is it eye catching, but also amusing to a comical audience. A competing company, Nutripro uses irony as a technique to catch an audience’s attention by displaying a plump dog that catches his mate cheating with another dog. Ethos, pathos, …show more content…

Pathos is in the act of what the two mutts are up to and the expression and body language that is shown by the overweight dog. A sense of woe pulls on the heart stings as the thought of being cheated on brings pain and insecurity upon understanding the message of the advertisement, adding onto the anxiety of being fat. Dog owners can comprehend situations like this; in actuality dogs don’t really care whom they do it with or how many partners they have at one time. Nutripro’s ad is meant to prey on dog owner’s emotions so that they will feel bad for the heart broken dog. The logos integrated to the ad are, when someone starts to gain too much weight, they start to look unhealthy and unattractive. His or her mate’s interest will turn to someone who is more appealing. What is not revealed in the ad is how heartrending the situation actually is. The ad would make a dog owner feel bad for their dog so it would trigger them to buy their product. This ad is effective to a certain extent. It would deter many consumers because it portrays the misery of reality that a lot of people go through. No one wants to remember pain and sadness but as humans we likely

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