
Pepino Mosaic Virus: PepMV

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Pepino mosaic virus
Pepino mosaic virus, also called PepMV is a relatively new virus found in plants. It has become a wildly and fast spread virus. This virus is wide throughout and especially in tomato production. Thus pepino mosaic virus has become a significant commercial and agronomical problem. The first finding of this virus dates back to 1974 in field sample of pepino plants (Solanum muricatum) located in the Canete valley in coastal Peru. The symptom of the plant is yellow mosaic in young leaves. However this virus has not call any significant attention until 1999 when it was detected in protected commercial tomato crops in the UK and the Netherlands. Since 2005, new strains of the virus have rapidly spread through tomato producing region. (1) Pepino mosaic is a member of the genus Potexvirus within the family Flexiviridae. It has filamentous particles of around 510 nm in length which contains one genomic ssRNA molecule (6410nt). The particles are compromised of a single 26 kDa capsid protein. The observation under UV light appears to be arrays of virus-like filamentous particle. No vector has been identified. Studies have been made within a common aphid species (Myzus persicae) failed to detect any transmission. PepMV natural host range appears to be restricted to the Solanaceae family of which many species become infected systematically. But symptomless infections develop in inoculated leaves of Tetragonia expansa and Cucumis sativus. Natural infection

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