

Better Essays

Table of Contents Abstract | 2 | Phase One | | I. Background | 3 | II. Vision | 6 | III. Mission | 6 | IV. Values | 8 | V. Objectives | 9 | VI. Polices ,Values &Statements | 10 | VII. Social Responsibility | 13 | VIII. Financial Analysis | 15 | i. Liquidity Ratios | 15 | ii. Activity Ratios | 16 | iii. Debt Ratios | 19 | iv. Profitability Ratios | 20 | v. Market Ratios | 23 | Phase Two | | I. General Environment (PEST Analysis) | 24 | II. Porter's model (PM) | 28 | III. Strategic groups (SG) | 30 | IV. Competitors profile matrix (CPM) | 32 | V. External factor evaluation (EFE) | 33 | Phase Three | | I. PepsiCo's …show more content…

There are many competitors the market like Coca-Cola, Birel; they have over 185,000 employees working in 200countries. i. Snack food Market Dominance
Many of PepsiCo’s other products continued to dominate their markets in the 1990s. Sales of Frito-Lay products accounted for about 40 percent of PepsiCo’s total profits. By the mid-1990s Frito-Lay products made up more than half of the U.S. market for snack chips, and the company owned eight of the top ten chip brands. In 1995 U.S. consumers bought the company’s original potato chip brand, Lay’s, at a rate of 4.5 kg (10 lb) a second. The company’s leading product, Dorito’s tortilla chips, was the best-selling salty snack (packaged) food in America in the mid-1990s. Salty snack foods include chips, pretzels, and nuts, as opposed to nonsalty snack foods such as cookies and cakes. In 1994 Frito-Lay began producing several baked and low-fat versions of some of their snack foods—such as Baked Lays potato chips and Baked Tostitos tortilla chips—which soon dominated the company’s sales growth. ii. Recent Developments
By the mid-1990s, PepsiCo’s restaurant

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