
Perceived Stress And Health Essay

Decent Essays

Stress has been noted to have an impact on general health for quite some time. Perceived stress however is an entirely different matter and can be very detrimental to one’s overall health. With the increase of health problems and stressful circumstances as well, it is imperative that we study the effects of perceived stress on health. Past research has suggested that perceived stress is related to health (Burns V., Carroll, D., Drayson, M., Whitham, M., and Ring, C. (2003); Cohen, S., Tyrell, D., and Smith, A. (1993); Ebrecht, M., Hextall, J., et al. (2004); Koschwanez, H., Vurnek, M., et al. (2013); Vits, S., Dissemond, J., Schadendorf, D., Kriegler, L., Korber, A., Schedlowski M., Cesko, E. 2013). Researchers investigated if susceptibility to the common cold increased due to the impact of perceived stress (Cohen, Tyrell, & Smith, 1993). Participants were 266 women and 154 men between 18 and 54 years old who received food, accommodations and had traveling expenses paid for as compensation. The control condition included 26 participants who received a saline solution while the other 394 participants received one of five common cold viruses. Cold symptomology was measured by medical doctors’ assessments over a 28 day span using respiratory sign-symptom protocol, also body temperatures and mucous quantity. Results showed increased …show more content…

(2003). Participants included 10 men and 21 women, all healthy undergraduates that received one of three viral strands (A/New Caledonia/20/99-(H1N1)-(IVR-116), A/Panama/2007/99-(H3N2)-(RESVIR-17) or B/Yamanashi/166/98. Perceived Stress Scale questionnaire was assessed at vaccination, five weeks and five months after as well as antibody levels at those three different times. Results indicated lower perceived stress levels in those who were vaccinated compared to those who

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