
Perfect Pizzeria Case Study Essay

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Table of Contents
Executive Summary………………………………………………..3
Problem Statement…………………………………………………4
Analyzing Case Data……………………………………………….4 Managerial Employees……………………………………..4 Non-Managerial Employees………………………………..6 Key Decision Criteria…...................................................................6 Alternative Analysis……………………………………………….7 Recommendations…………………………………………………10 Criteria 1……………………………………………………10 Criteria 2……………………………………………………10 Criteria 3…………………………………………………....11 Criteria 4……………………………………………………11 Criteria 5……………………………………………………11 Criteria 6……………………………………………………12 Criteria 7……………………………………………………12 Action and Implementation Plan………………………………......13 Employee Handbook……………………………………….13 Reward and …show more content…

Perfect pizzeria is staffed primarily from college and high school students; however, when hiring for management positions there is no systematic criteria in which to select the best-qualified person for the job. Those currently occupying leadership positions do so without the proper leadership training or experience to handle the open communication required to build team cohesion in a food franchise environment. While managers in general implement policy and procedures in most franchise environments, Perfect Pizzeria lacks the control mechanisms to monitor employee behavior. Thus, not providing the appropriate negative consequences for any employee that may exercise opportunistic behavior while not under direct supervision. The lack of guidance for management positions has integrated personnel within the organization lacking the skill sets necessary to control the behavior of their shift employees. The behavior demonstrated by unqualified mangers hired at Perfect Pizzeria contradict Kaafi and Noori’s (2011) conclusion that “a manager’s primary outcomes are job performance, organizational commitment and quality of work life”. To further illustrate the lack of policy and guidelines managers are not afforded the opportunity of initial or continued training in which they can maintain their skills. To illustrate, Perfect Pizzeria recruits within its ranks for assistant and night shift mangers based on the capability of performing the

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