
Perfect Sleep Research Paper

Decent Essays

You must have heard about the connection between a good night’s sleep and a healthy productive day, tons of times. Understandably so, because these two things are related to each other like two sides of the same coin, you cannot have one without the other. So the big picture question is simple, how to achieve the perfect sleep every night, so that you wake up every morning, fresh, fit, and raring to go to do everything that you are supposed to do? The answer, is simple, and it is that you need to follow a few important rules to constantly sleep like a baby every night and have a fantastic morning, resulting in an amazing day. So without further ado, let’s take a look at those tips. The perfect sleep is not a sprint, but it is a marathon: If you want to enjoy the bounties of the PERFECT sleep every single night, you need to put in a lot of investment into it. This isn’t just a sprint where you can achieve your goals overnight, …show more content…

According to him, all you need to do is stop ingesting caffeine at least 10 hours before your bedtime, consume no food or alcohol at least 3 hours before sleeping, do no strenuous work 2 hours before your bedtime, and most importantly, no screen time, an hour before you sleep. And if you do so, you will hit the snooze button 0 times in the morning Thus the aptly named, 10-3-2-1-0 rule. Consider the pros and cons of napping in the middle of the day: Napping is a great way to take the edge of if you had a stressful day. Mastering the art of a 30-45 minute shuteye every day will help you stay energized and active. Beware though, if you nap for more than an hour, it will be troubling for you to sleep in the night, which results in tiring day when you wake up next morning. Everything is chained together very tightly, so choose your napping habits accordingly.. Keep up with your specified

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