
Performance Management : Employee Performance

Decent Essays

Employee performance is an important part of any organization that desires to have a competitive advantage. Performance management is the means by which managers ensure that employees’ activities and outputs are congruent with the organization’s goals (Gerhart, Hollenbeck, Noe, & Wright, 2015, p. 347). The main purposes of performance management are strategic, administrative, and developmental. It has a strategic purpose because it allows managers to implement goals and objective as well as identify employees’ strengths and weakness. An administrative purpose because it lets the organization provide accurate salaries, promotions, and laying off those not supporting the company’s overall goal. Lastly a developmental purpose because it helps identify employees which are effective at their jobs and those that need help improving. Unfortunately most managers and employees dread the process of performance appraisal and feedback due to the lack of consistency of the system. Chapter 8, discusses a series of approaches that could be used to measure performance as well as how to present the evaluations to employees.
Based on the information given, discuss how well the performance management at Meadow Hills Veterinary Center meets its strategic, administrative, and developmental purposes. The case study illustrates how the practice manager at Meadow Hills is correctly managing the centers employees to ensure that the goals of the organization are being met. Brian Conrad operates

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