
Perpetrator Effect

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Abuse comes in much different kind of forms. There are 4 types of abuse: Physical, emotional, economic, and sexual. These can happen to anyone regardless of where they stand in sociality. The effect this has on an individual is incredibly damaging, not only physically but also mentally. The effect abuse has on individuals and families are quiet damaging. It may cause the victim to feel insecure about their selves and may leave them traumatized. Even though the types of abuses are different, they all will leave a negative effect on the victim and the perpetrator. Physical abuse is basically when the perpetrator is in direct contact with the victim. He or she may leave behind bruises, cuts or scars, burns, and many other signs that seem out …show more content…

In emotion abuse, the individual is often called names and threatened. The abuser will try to humiliate the target to inherit dominance. A person dealing with emotional abuse will suffer from low self-esteem, personality changes and depression, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts. The perpetrator will play around with the victim’s feelings just to feel in control. Economic or financial abuse is unusually a complied with emotional or physical abuse. This may be the least known kind of abuse. Financial abuse occurs when the perpetrator is controlling the way the victim is using their (the victims) money or uses it without permission. The perpetrator can be spending money for their own needs but won’t allow the other to do the same. He or she may also prevent the individual from attending work and will pay close attention to ever penny spent. Sexual abuse can cause PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) in the abused. Symptoms are similar to physical and emotional abuse. Sexual abuse is any sexual act towards a human being. It could be done to anyone, regardless of age. Sexual abuse can include a number of acts like sexual touching of any areas in the body, even if it’s clothed. A person dealing with sexual abuse will show abrupt behaviors and might attempt to get others to engage in sexual

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