
Persecution In The Passage Of Persecution

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Hebrews 10:33,34 states “Sometimes you were exposed to public ridicule and were beaten, and sometimes you helped others who were suffering the same things. You suffered along with those who were thrown into jail, and when all you owned was taken from you, you accepted it with joy. You knew there were better things waiting for you that will last forever (NLT). Whomever the author could be for it is unknown to those reminds the Hebrew Christians that they have once faced persecution before. Being persecuted for living a life of Christ instead of self, may bring pain and sorrow upon Christians. For Christ, endured pain and sorrow on the way toward to the cross or his earthly death. The author goes on to say that those that have been persecuted greater things were to come their way. All they had to do was remain faithful to God and God would be faithful to them. Those who are studying this passage of scripture must know that they too will be tested or persecuted in their faith walk, must know that God is on their side. The persecutions will bring about trust, strength, and patience. The issues that come with persecution in this passage of scripture is that Christians does not have to do anything wrong or sin against God, just claiming to be a child of God only brings about persecution. Two ways to overcome this persecution is to know that God is always with his children, and Christ will return to his children one day and carry them away with him into Heaven.

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