
Persepolis Analysis

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The Structure of Persepolis
The two most contrasted colors of all are black and white. Many would agree that white, along with other lighter colors, represents the optimistic and positive aspects of an opinion or outlook, while black highlights the darker, negative side. The graphic novel, Persepolis, written by Marjane Satrapi, uses this harsh contrast to illustrate her conflicting views throughout her autobiography. Satrapi’s childhood was challenging and strenuous because of the constant removal of human rights in Iran, her home country. Women are taught to be modest with how they dress and follow the ways of the government without resistance, while men are taught to be brutal and fight senseless wars. Strong contrasts like these called …show more content…

At first, she was certain that she was God’s last prophet and God was the only person, or rather supernatural force, that she could undoubtedly place her faith in. On page eight in the second panel of Persepolis, both Satrapi and God are pictured, where God is depicted as larger than Marji, symbolizing the influence God had over her. Also highlighted in the panel is the sharp contrast of the black and white. The white of the picture is mostly used to picture God, as he is cradling and comforting Marji. This brighter color symbolizes Marji’s belief, or certainty in God. Her faith is unwavering and strong, for God is the one thing she has complete trust and faith in. Surrounding God as he cradles Marji is complete darkness and black. The black symbolizes the uncertainty that Marji has outside of her faith of God. She does not know what other beliefs there are that she could put her faith in; God is the only option for her. However, Marji discovers a new belief that she can place her faith in: marxism. Her uncle, Anoosh, was very passionate about the subject and as he educated her about marxism, God visited Marji less. Yet, Marji still could not give up her faith in God in a split second, that is until her beloved uncle Anoosh is executed. On page 70 in the second to last panel, Marji finds herself enveloped in her uncertainty following her uncle’s death because she had received only a brief overview of marxism, causing …show more content…

It is her own home country, Iran, that is uncertain about its future as well. This poor state the country finds itself in is because of the opposition between the people of Iran and the tyrannical government that rules Iran. As Iran broke out into a war with its neighbors, another, yet different, war broke out within Iran. The once, for the most part, peaceful country is now being taken over by an oppressive government. Page 78 illustrates the Iran of the past as an innocent and peaceful white; a country that is, for the most part, bloodless. However, there is also a dark cloud pictured. This dark cloud symbolizes the dark and tyrannical rule that is taking over Iran and its people. It is slowly but surely spreading over the country, overwhelming the once contempt country. The government of Iran also tried to force their oppressive ways onto its people. As seen on page 95, the girls of Iran are dressed in their new attire forced upon them by their government. This image contains only the two colors: black and white. The rich black depicts the government’s plans to change their people by masking their beliefs and values under the government’s beliefs and values. However, this attempt does not work on the people of Iran. The white of their faces and hands, the only visible part of their bodies under the modest attire, exposes their true beliefs, or the beliefs the government crave to rid its people of. In

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