Persepolis is a 2007 animated movie which is a comic book adaptation. The main character of the movie is Marjane Satrapi, and the movie represent her experiences and feelings about Iranian Revolution. Now, in this essay I will mention and describe four concepts which are related to the movie. First of all, politics is how people form their society, and how they rule themselves according to conflicts and consensus between political powers. In the movie most of Iranian people were not pleased about administration of Shah. They do not want to be ruled with dictatorship, and they wanted to change the regime. They thought that by the fall of Pahlavi dynasty, they can improve the country, and they formed groups against his governance, and revolt. The administration of Shah ended by the revolution. People elected the …show more content…
In the movie Marjane’s boyfriend hold her hand, and police saw them. Because of Marjane’s and her boyfriend’s attitude, they were punished with fine or whip, and they chose to pay money. After this incident they decided to marry to avoid being punished again. If this incident had not been, Marjane and her boyfriend would not have married. Rules made them marry with punishment. That is how power is. It promotes people to do something with awards and forces them with punishments according to their actions. Thus, this scene is an example of what can power do to people. Thirdly, authority is the legitimate power. Its currency’s source is authoritative positions, like government, judges. In Persepolis, a scene, which government made the convicts what government wanted to do, is an example of authority. There are a lot of convicts in prisons. Government said that convicts can be free if they promise that they will abide by the government. However, if they do not promise, they will be punished with death. In this scene, the authority uses its power by punishing
Persepolis is a film in 2007 which is based on Marjane Satrapi’s graphic novel. This story is about Marjane life from young to adult. Persepolis refers to a city’s name. it is a story of Marjane growing in Iran after the Islamic Revolution. Persepolis also is written based on Marjane experience because she grew up Tehran, in a family which involved in communist and socialist movements in Iran during revolution. She writes the story mostly from her opinions and values that she observe from child. This story contains political and historical value which is very useful to everyone.
The first part of Persepolis adventures into the life of Marjane Satrapi during pre and post-revolutionary Iran alongside the Iran/Iraq war, as well as the political and social changes that accompanied the war. Due to the intense content of the book it was surprising that Satrapi wrote in such a blunt and direct manner. Satrapi shows her direct and to-the-point style when she draws and talks about the torture of those people taken to prison during the revolution (54). The drawing is showing how graphic and brutal the tortures were, and that alone creates an emotional response for the reader without any additional sympathetic words. Regarding what the book includes about the revolution; many aspects were enlightening, but also gloomy. Most of
Just Mercy Analysis In the memoir, Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson, Stevenson writes about his time spent as a young American attorney, battling systematic racism and discrimination against marginalized groups from the legal system. He shares the stories of the condemned, giving them a voice they were unable to have. He says “Most of the people crowded on death row had no lawyers and no right to counsel. There was a growing fear that people would be killed without ever having their cases reviewed by skilled counsel” (Stevenson 7).
The book, Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood, was written by Marjane Satrapi; it is the story of her life in Iran from birth to fourteen years old. The perspective of Marjane, in her novel, affects the overall presentation of revolution, religion, and social classes. Consequently, with no background knowledge, we only have her perspective which affects our own opinion about the events of the book.
Power is a theme found in the world and in this story “The Crucible”. Just one example of the theme power in “The Crucible” is Abigail. Abigail is Parris’ niece and is having an affair with John Proctor. In order to get rid of his wife accuses her of Witchcraft. She uses the power of persuasion and has the other girls pretend to see spirits to convince the Judge that Mrs. Proctor is a Witch.
The conflict in Persepolis is shown through the changes that are caused between families, women and children when fundamentalist Islamic state takes over Iran. The story progresses though the main character, Marjane’s point of view and experience.
Persepolis focuses on major themes like Feminism, Freedom, Religion, War, and Culture. Although this book is about Marjane Satrapi a young girl who lived her childhood in Iran from the 1980’s which was during the Iran revolution, where at a young age she’s already opened up to a warfare environment. This book can be interpreted differently based on the reader’s location, history background with Iran, and the differences in government. In this essay we would be comparing the readers from Iran vs. America.
Persepolis is a graphic novel written by Marjane Satrapi. The novel is Satrapi’s memoir about growing in Iran during the Islamic Revolution and the second Iran and Iraq war. She tells us the struggles of being a female in Iran. Satrapi shows us her life within the pages of this novel to show us who she really is, where she really comes from, and what her country is really like. She corrects the misconceptions and stereotypes made about her culture from the western world.
Persepolis is a French/Iranian movie based on the author/director’s childhood during the Iranian Revolution during the late 1970s. The movie focused on Marjane Satrapi’s experience under the transition to Islamic rule in Iran, Iraq’ invasion of Iran, and living in Europe during her teenage years. Her upbringings were based from her family who some were part of the revolution to overthrow the Shah. Because of it, she grew fond at the idea of freedom and valuing a lot of Western culture even after Muslim fundamentalist took over. She also endured a lot of hardship in Iran and abroad due to political tension and judgement from the outside world.
In conclusion, the graphic novel Persepolis is a bildungsroman, which develops the character of Marjane Satrapi through the vehicle of courage in developing the conflict of individual vs. society. This relates to the readings of May,
Persepolis is an autobiography by Marjane Satrapi that pushes the reader to visualize Marjane’s life from childhood to growing and becoming an adult. This story takes place in Iran and it’s during the Islamic Revolution. The name Persepolis itself comes from the capital of an ancient Persian empire. The most prominent motifs for this novel is smoking, and the major reason for it is repetition, Marji spontaneously changes her lifestyle, habits, and attitude after she begins smoking, and that holds hands with another major motif which is coming of age. This writing will prove to you how Marji’s start of smoking and coming of age will bring changes to her lifestyle, attitude, and habits.
Power in politics is a person who has the ability to influence a person in terms of their behaviour; however they possess no right to - unlike authority. There are many ways in which a person can influence another’s behaviour; one such example is through coercion. Coercion refers to the use of violence or threats in order to influence someone. [Jones and Norton, 2011]
Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi, is comical view of Satrapi’s life of growing up during the Islamic Revolution. The changes in Satrapi’s life give reader an opportunity for deeper understanding. Three symbols present in Persepolis are musical posters, the veil, and her bed represent aspects of her life. All these symbols affect the author internally and externally. In the end, the author not only learns about her country, but all the things she had to sacrifice in order for freedom.
Persepolis is a coming of age story for Marji living in the middle of the Iranian war and adapting to the changes to both her culture and her personal life. Inequality between genders is heavily discussed within the story, as well as the struggles between the fundamentalist ideas and customs compared to the less extreme morals of some families: it is shown through the simplistic, but effective images by Satrapi.
The novel “Persepolis” shows many life changes during the Islamic Revolution told through the eyes of a young girl. “Persepolis” was based on Satrapi’s childhood experience in Iran. Throughout the span of the 1970’s to the early 1980’s, Satrapi experiences many changes in her life, not only with the government, or her education, but also with herself. Although she witnessed many violent acts right in front of her eyes, these experiences helped Marji (Satrapi) grow as a young child.