
Personal Aspects Of Personal Strengths

Decent Essays

Have you ever experienced something that changed your outlook on life? Personal strength is realizing you are at low times, but finding the positives even when it seems like nothing will get better. During times of weakness, I struggled with finding hope and strength within myself. Personal strength defines us as individuals. Because I experienced the loss of a good friend, and the divorce of my parents at a young age, I was able to find personal strength.
Through the support of my friends and family, I was able to find personal strength after the loss of a dear friend. In October of 2016, all of my friends and loved ones received the horrible news that our friend had been in a horrible car accident. On October 15th, 2016 our blue-eyed, blonde and beautiful friend had passed away at only sixteen years old. Through this horrific time, it became very hard for me, my peers, and my family to find strength. When we heard the news, our hearts ached, our bodies trembled and our minds shut down. I simply felt nothing, but pain and sadness. This hardship became very hard to stay positive and keep hope for better things to come in the future. Finding strength soon became easier because I was not alone. I was not the only one trying to cope with the loss. We all supported each other through this hard time. The support from my friends and family, for we were all struggling together made it easier to find personal strength.
Because I realized that I was not alone, I was able to find

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