
Personal Development Plan

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In this assignment, I will reflect upon my clinical experience and my education to date. In doing this I will highlight potential areas of development needed and will address these through Personal Development Planning. The rationale for doing this assignment is to enhance my professional development by undertaking an annotated reflective report. In this assignment I will focus and discuss my chosen theme which is Multi-disciplinary team working (MDT). This will mention roles within the MDT, skills for effective MDT working and responsibilities within the MDT. When focussing on my chosen theme within the Professional Development 2 module, I will complete a self assessment by reflecting upon my clinical and educational experience so …show more content…

The rational for the chosen theme Multidisciplinary Team Working is - in order to meet the complex needs of service users teamwork is important and essential. A MDT involves all agencies involved in a service user’s treatment and care. These may include: the service user and their family, clinical psychologist, psychiatrist, nurses, occupational therapist, social worker, dietician and family therapist (Onyett, Pillinger & Muijen, 2009). Self Assessment Throughout my self assessment, I will critically reflect upon my performance in a previous clinical practice placement and will annotate the NMC Proficiencies (2004) throughout this. I will also discuss the evidence base on my chosen theme, MDT Working to support my discussion. I have developed a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis (SWOT) based upon my self assessment (See appendix 2). I am going to use Gibbs model of reflection (1988) to reflect on my performance as it involves six stages of a reflective cycle which is straightforward and allows me to answer the questions easily (see appendix 1). Reid (1993) states that “Reflection is a process of reviewing an experience of practice in order to describe, analyse and evaluate which informs learning about practice”. Throughout my reflection, the service user’s name and clinical placement will not be disclosed to maintain confidentiality (Nursing and

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