
Personal Essay: The American Dream

Satisfactory Essays

The American dream is something that so many people dream of achieving throughout their lives. I don’t know much about the American dream, but I do have a basic understanding of it. The American dream is the idea that you can come to the United States and fulfill a life that may be better than wherever it is that you’re originally from, and that you can accomplish your goals without being restricted by the government like you may be in some other countries.
One of the things about the American dream, and more than likely the most important, is freedom. We have all types of it! Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to peacefully protest, and plenty of other things. Those are just in the first amendment; there are 27! Our freedoms allow us Americans to be able to achieve things in our lives that we wouldn’t really be able to do in other countries because the governments in some other countries are either corrupt or don’t allow people to have a say in anything, including their own lives. Governments like this, like in Colombia, tend to drive people to do things that have a very high risk but low reward, like the production of cocaine in …show more content…

Patriotism is the act of showing love and respect towards your country. A lot of people in the United States show a lot of patriotism because we are thankful that we live in a country where we are free to do our own things and live our own lives without the government blocking and/or interfering with the progress of our goals in life. We also show respect for our country because of things like our military. Thousands, if not tens of thousands of people die every year fighting for our country to allow us to have the freedoms and rights that we have and to keep us safe within the borders of our country. A lot of people do a lot of things to make sure we can thank the veterans that fought for our country, whether they are alive or dead, they always get a “thank

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