
Personal Faith Integration Research

Decent Essays

Personal Faith Integration
The reason I chose to research cognitive behavior therapy is because personally I feel it has many of the aspects I choose to incorporate in my daily life. In many ways I agree that we do become products of our environment, and the maladaptive ways of thinking that we may have could be the result of how we were brought up. However, that does not always mean it is for the best. For example, if a person grows up in a household where a parent or family member has maladaptive thoughts, or believes that everyone thinks the worst of them, it is likely that person would confront those same beliefs in their life at some point. I think that the ideals we are raised with play an important part in how we view situations. …show more content…

It has been a personal quest of mine to modify that behavior, when I am struggling with something, and want to throw in the towel, or admit I am a failure. I begin by attempting to re-center myself, one of my greatest techniques is to ask myself, 5 years from now, will any of this matter? At times, it can be will this matter tomorrow? I recognize that it is a process to change your behavior. However, I am also beginning to understand that it is possible to change or modify your thoughts and behaviors, although it takes time and consistency. Another one of my favorite bible verses in Jeremiah 29:11, when I am feeling down or overwhelmed, I recite that to myself. I remind myself that the Lord does have plans for me, although at times it is difficult to see, I must trust there is a meaning to everything that takes place, and trust that the Lord has a greater plan which one day I will understand.
Cognitive behavioral therapy methods seek to modify behaviors by first correcting faulty or maladaptive thoughts or beliefs (Corey, 2013). Cognitive behavior therapy has been used to help individuals who are diagnosed with depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, and substance dependency. Utilizing a method of therapy amongst a broad scope of disorders, illustrates its flexibility and potential benefits to a wide

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