
Personal Narrative: A Day At Lenox Hill Hospital

Decent Essays

It was what felt like the hottest day of the year July 31 in New York City. Joan Ormsby was returning some clothes, she had received at her baby shower on this very hot day. She remembered that she had a doctor's appointment at 11am that day she rushed her usual shopping routine. She arrived at the OBGYN office, by herself, at 11am. Joan waited in the waiting room waiting for her name to be called while fanning herself with her right hand whilst she rested her left on her bloated stomach. “Ormsby,” the nurse called whilst holding the door and searching for a standing woman. Joan was guided to the room she waited for Dr. Green to pop into the room smiling like he always did at the other appointments. Joan looked around the room many thoughts …show more content…

Joan was surprised the baby was not due for another month she was confused. Joan also took out her phone “Hello is Gary Ormsby there…..Yes it is important….Gary I am going into labor…. I am going to be at Lenox Hill hospital...Get here asap.” She hung up the phone after calling her husband informing him on the exciting yet terrifying news. She than began another call. “Christine I’m going into labor…. Come to Lenox Hill Hospital...Ok bye.” By the time Joan got off the phone she was in the hospital bed. Christine was there by Joan, Joan had multiple wires connected to her arms and chest. Gary had arrived, but due to the delivery of Marcus he couldn’t handle being in the delivery room anymore. Joan was given epidural so she was not in pain. 14 hours later Amara Leah Destiny Ormsby was 7lbs born on August 1, 2001 at 4am. Gary picked the name Amara because before Joan realized she was pregnant her friend Amara had a dream that Joan was pregnant with a baby girl; even though Joan thought she was crazy she later found out that Amara’s dream was indeed true. Gary thought because she was the first to know Joan was pregnant and she predicted it the baby should be named after

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