To some people music is simply entertainment in the car. To some the words to a song are just there to please the ears; the rhythm and the beat are nothing but a sound to hum along to. It might be a hobby or interest to others, but in my case, it is the greatest form of expression. It is not that I can play an instrument or even sing a song well, it is the simple fact that I can relate. I can express any emotion or feeling through a song. The way the words echo in my mind is far different than how others may hear it. The lyrics always mean something, and when I can find a way to relate a situation or feeling in my life to them I have found my way of expression. All I have to do is push play to convey what I am thinking inside. My best friend, for example, can determine my mood simply based on the playlist blaring through the speakers in my car. Not one word has to be said in order to communicate what I am thinking. …show more content…
Although I played the piano for six years, that is not what did it for me. Being restricted and forced to play the music someone else instructed me to was just not my forte. I would practice day after day these songs my teacher put in front of me, but I could never convince myself that I enjoyed it. What I really found satisfying was pulling a new music book out from the bookshelf and teaching myself a song I chose myself. Sure, I could play my teacher’s songs quite well, but none of that could let the real me shine through. When I could let my creativity project through the music I, myself, was producing, I began to realize my
On February 26, 2017, I attended to Bethany church, because they brought The Moody Symphonic Band. The event started at evening. Bethany offered a warm welcome to everybody, who wanted to participate to the event. When I came to the welcome room, there were food, drinks, and the most beautiful thing was the members of The Moody Symphonic Band were singing a thanks’ song. The Moody Symphonic Band was funded in 1970. The member are undergraduate and graduate students from Moody’s school. They have
No sooner than we came back with the drinks than one guy who I found was named Dan pulled out a baggie and rolled a couple of big joints. Those were passed around and it seemed like Jazz always had one in her hand as the guys kept passing them to her.
Music is another language people use whenever they want to express their feelings. Whether they are angry or passionate, there is always a melody for that emotion. It is universal and it brings people together. There are so many amazing artists that have a substantial influence on this generation and past generations.
Music is another language people use when they want to express their feelings. Whether they are angry or passionate, there is always a melody for that emotion. It is universal and it brings people together. There are so many amazing artists that have a real influence on this generation and past generations.
Music is an art form that appears in every culture of the world. For thousands of years it has been an important part of the human experience. Music has been used for entertainment, as a way to pass on stories, and as a form of artistic expressions.Each person has their own preference of music of music they like, but most people like music in some form. Music has also been used by therapists patients with mental and physical health issues and achieved good results.
I love to fish it is really fun. It is 1:00. I grab my fishing poles and my fishing bag. I get an my bike and ride down to my pound. Throw some bread on my hook and cast it out there. My brother said to bait the water so I threw some bread in. All the fish were eating the bread. The bobber twitched a couple times. I set the hook the fish is on the hook. I get the fish on land grab the fish get it unhooked. Then I cut its gills and it dies.My brother said eiw thats grose. Then i wash it off in the water.Then i cut the bluegill into three pieces.When i cut the guts The fish eat the bluegill just for the guts so I put a piece of bluegill on the hook and guts and cast it out. My hands smelled like fish they felt all slimey and they
Music with a purpose. Music serves a purpose throughout our lives, it is more than just entertainment and something to use for background
Soon after I had arrived at St. Timothy’s, Reverend Fran introduced me to the incumbent choir leader, Barb Knotts, and her husband Frank who was a Parish Councilor. I was hoping Barb would help me usher the choir through the upcoming reforms; however, both she and Frank were about to go on a two month vacation at their lakeside cottage. Until she returned home I had to work alone.
Music surrounds everyday life no matter where you are in the world. Hollow objects make notes when hit. Small wooden reeds, bamboos, and shells whistle when blown into. Anything tightly stretched twangs when plucked and the human voice has a delightful ability to go up and down at will. Even when wind rustles through the wind, birds chirp, or ocean wave’s tumbling is nature’s form of music. I constantly find myself being enthralled by the various forms music. You could say that in sense music as a whole is a form of art. The sounds that entwine harmonize, are rhythmically pleasing, have dynamics, etc., come together as a whole in order to compose a song. “Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.” (Confucius)
In the end, the beautiful sound that is music brings us is the one of the best ways to connect us all to one another. Music is a way to communicate and show a little piece of us to
Often times we use music to relate to ourselves; our lives, experiences, thoughts, and personalities. People use songs as an expression of themselves, their thoughts and past that they may not be able to express in any other
When it was 11:50 Jazz and I went to my Range Rover and got inside the car. Jazz had to drive my car back to the hotel because I sprained my ankle making me too “disabled” to drive a car. God, spraining my ankle has a lot of setbacks, I might even die in my car sine Jazz is driving, I thought to myself. After reaching the hotel without dying, we went to the auditorium to find that it was almost full yet we managed to find two seats next to each other in the fifth row.
Working with music takes a certain type of patients. That’s why when I knew this project was present, I had the perfect person in mind because I worked so close with this person once before. So, I decided to gather my resources and get in contact with our family friend Dr. Snodgrass who is the superintendent of the Fort Osage R-1 School District and ask if I could receive her email so I could set up a facetime call with her and get this interview on the road. Her name Is Erica Gregory and she is a high school band teacher at Fort Osage located in Independence Missouri. The reasons I decided to interview her were simple. First, she was my star time teacher which meant she was my study hall teacher. As a freshman coming into high school and being placed in a study hall class
I studied A Level music in college, less than a year ago. For one of our tasks, we had to work in a band, write a song together, and perform it. I was the singer, there was a guitarist, bassist, drummer, and a melodica player.
Music is defined differently for each individual. It is the universal language that speaks to us all, but in different ways. It is one of the few genres that can instantly transport a person back to the past. Music is also an art of sound which expresses ideas, thoughts, and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, and harmony. It is the design of giving structural form and rhythmic pattern to combinations of sounds produce instrumentally and vocally. To me, music brings a sense of calmness, happiness, and peacefulness. Music is the absolute bread of life because it feeds my soul.