Written Explanation: Using the structure and themes from the television serial ‘Australian Ninja Warrior’, I have completed a creative writing titled ‘The walking bridge of Victory’. The story is about a male in his adolescence who is determined to finish an obstacle course, but is effected by his prosthetic leg and time. Taking elements from the serial to develop creativity, I have chosen to include in my story themes such as purpose and time which become evident throughout the story. I have related to the serial in aspects of the course structure, its features of time and audience support. My story will include informal language and include literary techniques such as… descriptive language, similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia, imagery and …show more content…
My self-esteem must be crazy! I scanned the gargantuan course with my diminutive eyes and turned around in panic and bewilderment. Jack and Marcy screamed with excitement on the concrete adjacent to the audience stands. Every person was confident in my success, yet I doubted myself completely. I sauntered onto the foam platform with my noodle legs dangling like a tall clown. The clouds had rolled apart allowing the sun which appeared like a golden coin to flash its harsh light at me, creating a spotlight affect. I glimpsed at my closest friends, then at the sidesman, who nodded in …show more content…
I needed to react faster. To gain confidence I contemplated at my friends, they were over the place dancing like giraffes, if only I was in the stands, life would be stress less. I looked ahead at the bridge of blades rotating at rapid speeds. They spun faster than a Ferris wheel which meant sprinting was my only option. I looked at the distance between the tempestuous water and me, a mere twenty metres. I sprinted across, tripping over the last blades and summersaulting over the spongy mat. Few that was a breath-taker! I shaped myself and gazed at the time two minutes thirty seconds that was quick, I needed to be faster. I centred my eyes on the pole grasper and recognised it was similar to oscillating on jungle ropes. I approached the first rope and inhaled, kept track of the time and leaped to the rope. I caught on and turned my body to face the second. Swish! The third and fourth were just as clean. Each jump decreased the distance between the water and myself. Now the difference was twenty centimetres and my body was losing concentration and hope. I jumped completely forgetting my other leg which was hanging in a grasped position on the fourth
At this point, the course had a longer trail sprint and eventually made it way to the Barbed Wire crawl # 1, the first crawl wasn’t that long, but it did go up the mountain so rolling wasn’t that easy and I had to crawl! After a short sprint, it was time for the Herc Hoist, which I always look forward to because for a larger guy like me, it’s nice and easy. A very short distance ahead came Inverted Walls and just after that came Plate Drag. The course headed down at this point and continued for a longer sprint and up next was Z-Walls and just after we headed over to the Bridge, which was nice and easy. It was time for the swim.
| Stories and writing that show imagination as well as being legible and reasonably grammatical
Discuss how language is used to describe the settings in texts, and explore how the settings shape the events and influence the mood of the narrative
I had to kneel to recover my stamina. I heard it! The water, I could hear it. When I opened my eyes, I was shaken to my core. Everything was spinning.
I, as the hero of my story, have, is and will experience various stages of the hero’s journey listed by Joseph Campbell in his ‘Hero’s Journey Outline’. The experiences in the past helps me now to develop the skills necessary to face numerous challenges in my future. Me, as an IB student, in SJPII required a great deal of effort and courage. With the influence of my mentor, my parents, I crossed the threshold which separated my ordinary world from this special world. This transition, for me, was very hard as I am moving out from my safe world into a dissimilar, unknown world, which is a more challenging version of the reality. Furthermore, in this special world, my former presumptions and opinions were being questioned and torn apart. As I continued my education through Gr.
For my Written Task One, I am doing English: Language and Literature. I chose to take the poem Annabelle Lee by Edgar Allen Poe and turn it into a short story. Poe’s structure of his poems flows like a story, but he chose to use the conventions of a poem instead of a story. I will use Poe’s ideas from his poem Annabelle Lee and create my own story, using a more modern language. Poe’s intended audience were educated adults in America. Even though his intended audiences were adults in America, his writing usually had European, romanticism, and gothic touches because many authors at that time had education based in Europe. My intended audience will be fans of Edgar Allen Poe’s poems. Poe’s purpose had been to share his stories and
I have been jumping around on things ever since I was a little kid, but now I have finally found a place to practice my abilities and to make tem greater than before. The place I go to train is called Gymja Warrior, which is a spin on the show Ninja Warrior. While the name may be a spin-off, the exercises and equipment are the same. The facility houses many
I stood and waited for the decision to be made. The anticipation was gnawing into my brain, feeding my adrenaline levels. As soon as he said ‘Go like a whip’ I was off, screaming at people to move out of the way. I pushed and shoved past the wounded men, my heart only briefly feeling sadness for those people before I pressed it aside and sprinted on. My dark hair stuck to my sweaty face as I ran. I then met the place with no hope of crossing. This path was quicker but a heck of a lot more dangerous. My first attempt to cross failed and I ended up on my back, my breath heavy in my lungs. I stood, my blue eyes darting across the barrier ahead of me, then sprinted as fast as I could, barely making it alive. I collapsed again at the other side, panting and
Both Lovato’s mother and father were involved in the music industry, so it only made sense she would one day fall in love with music as well. Not only was her mother a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader, she was also a recording country music artist (Cruz, 2015). Her father, Patrick Lovato, was a musician and a sound engineer. Lovato, herself, got into music at a young age, when she sang Celine Dion’s, My Heart Will Go On, at her kindergarten talent show. From then on, her mother and sisters knew she was gifted, and music would have a major impact on her life. Lovato’s music and acting career initially began in the pageant industry (Lovato et al., & Davis, 2017). Both she and her sister, Dallas, were in pageants growing up, thus providing her first taste of the spotlight. From there, Lovato got into the acting business.
The second try Cromwell missed and jumped right next to the ring instead through it. The third try was the best one because Cromwell actually jumped through it and landed it. On to the next training obstacle. The fence jumping was up next Cromwell had jumping down and jumping through rings perfected the second obstacle was jumping over fences Cromwell immediately caught on to it. Cromwell stood back all the way to the edge of the backyard and ran as fast as it could and leaped just a couple feet away from it and over it then landed it. The third obstacle running as fast as you can through a tunnel.
At a light jog we soon approached the first stick of what I was being judged on. Five sticks we crossed and each stick we went over
If you haven't met my sister then you're missing all the fun we have at our house my sister Janet is nice and chill she likes to play Moana songs and also sings along with them she loves to sing how far I'll go that’s her favorite song from Moana she loves to play Mortal Kombat’ but when she was a child she likes to play with the Hannah Montana doll’s she even had the toy house the house was so cool they had lights that would light up, and they were in different colors like red, green, yellow it was like a smoothie stand. It had little cups and chairs also i think when you clicked on the doll i think she would sing “it’s the best of both worlds” it was a cool toy house, but then we lost it but I still remember the things from the house when
During year 8 English we have been reading various short stories which I have enjoyed. These include “Lamb to the Slaughter” by Roald Dahl, “A Daughters Story” by Fatima Moradi and “Jewelled Mirror ‘by Izel Ozturk. We investigated the language devices used of Metaphor, Emotive language, Descriptive language, Rhetorical Questions, Simile, how to summarise a story, the purpose/messages included and points of view and cultures of the characters involved. A favourite story of mine was “Lamb to the Slaughter”.
Drug legalization has been a very controversial topic among America for numerous years. Many are for the legalization of drugs while there are some that are against it and try to stop the legalization of drugs. Granted, there are pros and cons to legalization of drugs, there should be leeway of particular ones if prescribed only by a doctor.
This made my body less buoyant and my speed somewhat slow. There were two sixteen year old girls in the lanes on either side of me who swam with the agility of dolphins. These girls and everyone else beat me to the finish, which did not help my nineteen-year-old ego. I wanted to crawl away and hide but was determined not to let myself be outdone.