
Personal Narrative: I Believe It Or Not Books

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I can remember that the first time I tried to write I was very little and desperately trying to be just like my dad. My dad has always run his company from home so before the age of being able to go to preschool he would watch me in his “office” out of our house. I had a small little tikes table, lots of crayons, and what seems like an endless amount of paper because my mom worked for a book publishing company and they always had rejects they were handing out. Some of the paper would have words typed on the top of the page and I remember trying to make the same shapes as the letters were. At this time I don't think I knew really what the point of letters were or words for that matter, but I thought I was really cool copying the pictures. When …show more content…

It wasn't near a big library, but it was massive compared to us. Everyone would go for all the Ripley's Believe It Or Not books so we could just look at the pictures. I remember always pretending I was reading and just thinking all through elementary school. I never really found any interest in reading just for fun or just to entertain myself. The only time I got soul pleasure out of reading was when I was at home on my dad's computer playing my most favorite game in the whole world, Reading Rabbit. Looking back now I wish I still had that game because I really got a kick out of it and wouldn’t mind playing it again to see why I liked it so much. About once a year my school would have a book fair. I never understood why a book fair would pay any attention to my school because there was only roughly a hundred students' pre-12. It never seemed like it made enough money for the companies time, but they still continued to come for about five years straight. There were so many new shiny books that were directed towards small children and they all looked amazing. I never spent a dime on a single book from there. I bought a lot of erasers and pencils

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