
Personal Narrative: Morgan Parcher

Satisfactory Essays

I have many important people in my life that support me in everything that I do, but a good friend of mine has always pushed me to do my best in every situation. Morgan Parcher is like an older sister to me. She helps me with anything imaginable, and is the image of what I want to be. I met Morgan through 4-H. It was my very first year in 4-H and it was her last year. My mom was quite vocal and crazy so Morgan took a liking to my mom. All the kids loved my mother. She was the crazy lady of 4-H. She thought of my mom as her own, and while my mom and her became close so did we. Since we met through 4-H, we both showed horses together and she saw a great potential in me. Morgan was an exceptional horsewoman and rider. She competed on the OIHA

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