You know how when your a kid and you dont think anything could go wrong: well thats what I thought and then everything went wrong. Let me start at the beginning though I was born July 1st 1996,i was sort of an unexpected surprise my mother had only wanted one child and she was already planing on leaving my dad when she found out she was pregnant. Not wanting to leave two kids without a father she tried working things out with my father again that only lasted 6months after I was born and mom came back home with her parents with not one but two kids. My grandparents immediately took charge of the situation and helped there single daughter raise her children in doing so they took us in as there children. How you may ask well by they took us in as there children they literally took us in my mom …show more content…
Then my mom meet my stepdad and my little sister was born I couldnt live with them I didnt want to accept that my mom had gotten remarried and had, had another child I was the baby. That was when I grew an even bigger bond with my grandfather and everything was perfect again. Until I lost the man that I loved the most at 12 years old I felt so betrayed because he was more than my grandfather/dad he was the person I loved most in this world he was my hero and he just left me. That was when my uncles started paying close attention they were always asking me how I was feeling an taking me out to make sure I was happy. I adjusted to not seeing my grandfather I was learning to live again when my grandmother was diagnosed with throat cancer I was 15 only 3 years older than when my grandfather had passed away so it destroyed me yet again it seemed as if everyone I loved was punished for loving me back and I hated
Although I thought it was weird, my dad was my uncle too, aunt was also step mom and no one knew what my cousins were to me now, nevertheless I was happy for him. My aunt, who did not want to pay any child support to my mother (her sister) convinced my dad to sue for custody. Everyone in my family took sides, either with my mom and Rob or with my father. Now that my families have seperated and fighting among themselves and my father who was my best friend repeatedly verbal abused me, I fell into a depression. Police men, social services and all kinds of other people from the state and county were always at our door interveiwing us and sometimes it almost felt like
Have you ever seen a car that you loved so much, and you just had to have it, and you could just die? Well calm down. This is the story of how i got my car.
Annoyed at this, I turned once again and lay on my back. I took a deep
What keeps me up at night is how privileged I am. My father grew up in a very poverty stricken town, Guanajuato. Even though his family owned a great deal of land to cultivate fruits, they were barely able to make ends meet. My Grandma and father would have to wake up at 5 am to walk all the way to the other side of town and then catch a bus to a nearby town, Celaya, to sell what they had harvested. While there, my father would go to a nearby wasteland to find any old toys or clothes others had thrown out. This was a continuous thing until my dad, at the age of 15 decided to come to the United States, with nothing else other than a few extra pairs of raggedy clothes, that he had gotten from the wasteland. My father stayed in Texas to help provide
During my childhood there were plenty of times that my parents have made me angry, but that completely changed into to anger towards my step dad. When he first came into our lives it was strange because he wasn’t my dad and I didn’t really like someone I didn’t know trying to discipline me especially if you weren’t my parent. As a child I couldn’t stand I had a lot of built up anger towards him because he wasn’t my parent so what gives him the right to put his hands on me even if I was being bad it wasn’t his job to discipline me it was unfair. That anger suddenly turned into rage and hatred towards him when I witness something I remember clear as day. Though I tried my best to suppress the memory every time I looked at him I remembered everything
So to get into what happened I will start by saying that I was taken away from my mom when I was around six years old and was put into a foster care home where I would live until I was either old enough to leave on my own which would be 18 or until a family or person came and adopted me. At the time I didn’t
Have you ever been through something something that torn you apart and changed the way you saw yourself?Well that something was my parents divorce.It might have only been five years but it feels like forever at other times I feel like it was just yesterday they were together.My second youngest sister Julianna is five that’s how we keep track of how long they’ve been divorced.I have my step-dad now but we’re not well adjusted yet.Julianna refers to him as her dad though.The divorce didn’t involve any insane trama or violence but it tore my heart.We moved a couple of times after the split since we could not have afforded the house on our own.They shared custody of us for about two years I’d go with him and my new step-mom and my sister.My step-moms son lived with them which made it awkward.Suddenly he just stopped no phone calls no letters no well anything.
The person in the book with whom I identify the most is Philip. My life is not like Philip’s after 9/11 and Wisconsin, but before that time, we have a lot in common. Philip and I live on the east coast. Philip lived in Princeton; whereas, I live in Delaware. My Dad and Mom both graduated from elite colleges. Dad graduated from IIT, Indian Institute of Technology, the best engineering school in India. My Mom graduated from Miranda University, one of the top women’s colleges in India. Joel and Amanda, Philip’s parents, both graduated from Harvard. After I was born, Mom quit her job and became a house mom. She drives me and takes care of me whenever I needed help. This was also true with Amanda as she “… quit her job and poured all her energy
you lived a perfect live, worked hard througout school and been a faithful christian you whole life. you were respectful and grateful as a kid and never took anything for granted. you have worked your whole adult life on being the perfect father and dont think you could have done any better. you read the scripture every day and work extremely hard to provide for our family. you never yell or raise you voice and always keep your cool. you manage to bring scripture into punishing us. you struggled early on in your marraige just to put aside money to put us through college. i have done nothing to deserve it. you have been the perfect husband to mom. never fighting and always compromising to make her feel like she should feel. you are so
My father is profoundly wise in the topic of athletics. He knows more ways to get stronger, faster, or even more flexible than anyone I have ever encountered. Putting this knowledge with my determination, we made a rigorous workout plan that we would do at home every single night. One note to make, is that my dad was not forcing me to do these workouts in any way. He asked me if I still wanted soccer to be as exhilarating as it was when I was younger, then I needed to put the time in to my craft every day. Soccer is in my blood, and I was not ready to give it up yet. The workouts were composed of mile runs on the treadmill, medicine ball exercises, and leg strengthening drills. After the preliminary week of this aspiring effort to to achieve
The past two days there has been a lot going on, so I’m going to combine them into one entry.
Daddy was a preacher man. Every Sunday of the month he would go to a different small
It is obvious that life is not easy and every normal person faces events that they struggle with. One huge event changed everything at such a young age and the effects of one major decision will forever impact my life. When I was only two years old, my parents decided to divorce because they were not compatible for one another. With myself being so young at the time, I did not comprehend what was happening until I grew up more but, little did I know my life would change so much. About a year after my parent’s divorce, they both got remarried and I had a step mom and step dad. Since I was so young I considered both to be another set of parents to me. My step mom had another daughter who I got to grow up with. We always have gotten along and even now we are very close. My
A few months before i was born i went through my first struggle. My dad left his wife and my sister to be with me and my mom. This caused my sister to blame me for her never having a dad and our relationship will never be as strong as it could be if that didn't happen. My next struggle which i don't remember but know it did happen. My mom and dad split up. My mom took me and my other sister to live
Venezuela is just another chapter in my on going book. I was born in Tamaulipas, Mexico my home country and got moved 3 months later to New Orleans. It was uncommon for a mexican family to move so constantly all over the world, we are known to migrate to US or not migrate at all. I don’t remember New Orleans so I regarded to my next move, Colombia as my home. Colombia was everything a 4 year old wanted, friends, close to family, wonderful house and most importantly the school was accepting to others. I felt as if I belonged, I even sang the national anthem with pride, because it was my country. I knew Colombia inside out, I knew the language, culture, food, education which gave me comfort because for a long time I felt ordinary like any