My experience with overcoming the addiction has been a great experience. Using social support, identifying and eliminate triggers, and medical treatment have been a great methods to overcome smoking addiction. I have used all my methods and techniques on people that I know who smoke and are willing to also overcome that addiction. As I am now comfortable to help anyone and anybody who are in need of my help and be willing to provide them with all the sources that I have used to overcome this addiction. I could use this experience and be able to talk about it during my church meetings. At that meeting, we talk about our weakness and strength and share that with one another. I believe that using this technique could help a lot of people out who are struggling to quit. Overcoming the addiction of smoking and what I have …show more content…
I was able to provide them with help and social support I had once searched for. I talked to them also about eliminating all the triggers that involves around smoking such as getting rid of ash trays, lighters, cleaning their cars, washing their clothes, substituting their morning coffee with something else, and keeping themselves busy at all times. I have also provided them with the laser treatment contact number and going with them for support to help them get rid of the craving stress point. I was able to go through this process with five people the whole nine yards, and was able to see great results with all five of them. After going through this process with them and after them quitting, we decided that we wanted to help others and expand it by going to different churches, schools, and public places to give them our experience on how we were capable to stop the addiction. We expanded it by receiving phone calls from those who were seeking our help. I believe that this was one of the most accurate treatments to overcome the smoking
You will listen to my voice taking you through the changes you want to make… As you are completely relaxed… you will respond to my suggestion… From now, you will stop smoking… This is your wish and desire on which you will act on from now… No one is able to make the change except yourself… Think of the positives gained by yourself in total command… your response is yours only… You are the only benefactor… Think of the harm cigarettes cause...think of lungs being completely black… foul smell from your mouth…your clothes smelling … continue with your breathing in and out...think of your family… Think of spending money on buying cigarettes as money going down the drain…Don’t turn them into passive smokers… your health and that of your family matters…You will continue with further sessions which will help you achieve the change…
Growing up, I can remember my mother’s ongoing disappointment and frustration with my grandmother’s smoking addiction. She continuously begged her mother to quit smoking, but unfortunately, her words never had much of an impact other than my grandmother trying not to smoke around her or moving outside the house to smoke. With my grandmother aging, her smoking has not decreased and with other compounding health issues, my mom is not just frustrated but also extremely saddened by the state of my
Drives against smoking and campaign versus this sick habit that started out number of decades back have already been able to encourage the smokers to stroll away from it. You will find a number of chain smokers who are looking to quit the cigarette not only for their wellness but also for individuals who are close to them. But, it really is quite tough for them to acquire rid of this habit in a simple method, so that they seem up for cigarette cessations. You'll find numerous firms that have taken the advantage of the need and also have started out manufacturing cessation items which may be fulfill the requirements of to conventional cigarettes. Products, such as nicotine patches and nicotine are being employed considering that prolonged time, but haven't proved their really worth.
The American Cancer Society offers a program called Fresh Start. With this program a representative from the school would attend training classes which enable them to teach techniques for quitting. These include different ways to cope with quitting, peer support and education on replacement therapies. They would then help the smoker pick the best option that works for them. This program
I read your post and even though my addiction is back with smoking, I still agree with all of the negative information, that I have read and what you have posted. I really wanted to comment on Reiki, the holistic approach to healing my not have scientific proof that it works, this Japanese technique that creates stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing has a long history. Overall, I think Reiki has it’s merits and I find it a fascinating practice.
At twenty-two years old my younger-self had previously pictured me in an entirely different place. I never imagined living in Texas, I’m originally from Chicago, and that’s where I thought I would reside. I thought I’d be graduated from college already, but fate had a different plan. And never in a million years did I think I would become a drug addict; but I am, and you know what? It’s been the best thing that has ever happened to me, it’s something I’m truly thankful for now. See, all the things listed above may seem like negative things if you look at them from an outside perspective; however to me, they’ve changed me in ways I never thought possible just six months ago. Multiple circumstances have led me to this point, but a few stick
different aspects at play e.g. addictive behaviour, habit, confidence, will power that can all be helped
This book is basically about a young man who got addicted to drugs and alcohol and eventually recovered in the end after so many failures. William Cope Moyers had everything. This kid had a better childhood than others and family. He was raised in a very “proper” family where they would say grace during dinner and believed in God. Anyways, he had so many advantages and he tuned into a drug/alcohol addict which i couldn’t understand why at first. He began smoking marijuana, using alcohol, moved onto cocaine. He even left his wife and kids. That’s how obsessed he was. In the end, when he recovered and all became well he actually started helping other people who were addicts just like him.
I have found that everything I had managed to do was very helpful and accurate. By being able to gain people’s support helped me a lot in a sense of getting all the advices and support that I needed to be able to quit cigarettes. People’s support made me gain a lot of self confidence that I am capable to achieve my goals. I was able to gain my health back in so many ways by noticing that I no longer have the oral fixation. On top of that, the staining on my lips, gums, teeth, and fingers. I also gained most of the weight back that I have lost, which is beyond amazing how quitting cigarettes can gain my appetite back. I am definitely able to breath and smell things way better.
Addiction is a disease that I will battle for the rest of my life. After being sexually assaulted at the age of twelve, I started to self-destruct. Lack of parental support, less than pristine living conditions, and an addictive personality paved an expressway to a life of addiction. I chose to hang with undesirable people, and was introduced to Marijuana, LSD, Ecstasy, PCP, Cocaine, Heroin and eventually what became the love of my life, the prescription painkiller Morphine. Never did I think that trying pot would have a domino effect. It led me to try harder and more addictive substances ultimately turning my life upside down. Often publicly
After ten years of putting my health at risk, I decided to quit chewing tobacco and it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I began using tobacco in high school with my teammates as we were waiting for practice to start after the school day. This particular challenge was very important to me because I was tired of living life controlled by such a poisonous substance. The power that nicotine imposes on the human body is incredible and I was done being a prisoner to it. I had a great support system among my family, friends, and coworkers and have been successful in my quit thus far. Living a healthier lifestyle, saving money, and setting a good example for my niece and nephew were all among reasons that I decided to quit and
t Alcohol is an addiction In which many take part in I when remember I started I was just 18 Party after party Drink after drink That's how I begun Slowly it turned into a habit
Susan says she wants to give up smoking, but believes she doesn’t have the willpower to quit. The first thing I would do is encourage her to not discourage herself by thinking in a negative manner. What she can do is change her negative attitude toward the situation to a more positive one by simply believing that she can quit instead of thinking that she can’t. Chances are she will build up her own motivation this way. The second thing I would tell her is that her children love her just as much as she loves them, and to remember that they are looking up to her. Her is maintained by a single person, but it is the community of users that make this site what it is. It is a useful congregation of those who are in the process of quitting tobacco and those who have already quit. There is alot of literature, mostly user-contributed, that I believe will help me through the process. There are real stories by real people that give hope to those readers who need help in their struggle to kick the habit and live in the same manner they did before they started. They encourage regular participation, not unlike our discussion boards we use in class.
First, listening: not to listen with only your ears, but your heart as well (Cohen etal 2nd ed.). Listening can be a hard task, however, easy to accomplish. You must want to hear, in order to make a difference, and to help someone to be successful. Smoking is a habit, an addiction, and not an easy task to conquer. However, it can be done. To have a successful program, counselors, must listen to the person,