When I was in third grade I remember my teacher, Mrs. Sorgen, had assigned us a short story where we could write whatever came into mind just have the story in a chronological order. At the age of eight or nine, I had a fantasy-prone imagination so that provided my story idea of having an alien invasion and a girl who tries to survive and escape. I basically wrote how she escaped in a timeline order with a special twist. My writing skills were not very skillful, matter the fact it was extremely poor. I did not exactly know how to put objects into detail and analysed facial expressions into words. So I decided it would be a great idea to use emoticons to express the character’s emotions. For example: “I ran into the woods, when I saw a strange thing in the far. I got close to it. I then saw it was one of those things. My face went like this (Insert shocked emoticon).” …show more content…
But when she came to the part where I had put my emoticon, she ended up skipping over it confused as to why I put that there. I wasn’t upset just not sure why she would skip over that. Now that I am older and my grammar isn't too distasteful anymore. I remembered that I did a great job and it doesn’t matter anymore because it helped me learn more about extensive details and what can make the story better. If I could back to that week we wrote that story, I wouldn’t change a thing even though I was a bit humiliated. It pulled me to where I am today with
A graphic novel has a unique way of telling a story. Instead of using paragraphs, it uses pictures and panels. In each panel there is one picture, each picture may or may not contain a speech bubble, emanata or caption. A speech bubble allows the reader to know who is talking and what their saying, meanwhile a caption makes a direct connection by speaking directly to the reader. An emanata allows the reader to know what is going on in the character's head. Some common examples are '?' to indicate confusion, 'ZZZ' to tell the reader that the character is sleeping, and symbols such as '#@$%#' to symbolize a character's anger.
Emoticons are described by Truss as something that should be avoided at all cost. She specifically states, “not
My memoir, “Terror in Target”, was one of my favorite writing assignments from this year. My writing voice in the story sounds like the words came through a cable hooked up to my brain. I held nothing back, making every thought funny and brutally honest. I believe that was the best part of my writing overall. I included thoughts that I’m sure I had when I was seven years old and took the reader and myself back to 2008 Target. However, I also noted many errors that could have been easily been fixed. At the time of birth, I don’t think I really cared about the grammar or flow of the story; I just cared about getting the story out in a fun and enjoyable way. As I reread my story, I changed things and fixed errors, revealing that I had grown into the mind of an editor of my own work. I found that my writing was strong in
They lighten up the mood. This helps the reader of the text or email a view of how the writer is feeling. It shows emotion, about whatever the text is referred to. Harry Guinness from the article “An emoji to English dictionary: emoji faces, meanings and explain” discusses that “text needs to have emoticons in order to set the tone of a statement or question” so it makes sense that even simple emoji’s can change a mood in a text message. The unspoken mood that can be within a text message doesn’t just stop at periods or any punctuation at that matter. Lastly Collister studies the chances of “too casual” users might be crippling their writing skills. The studies were to show If someone is constantly writing in improper sentences within their text messages or emails will they begin to lack the proper writing skills? According to Collister “Situational code-switching in spoken language has shown that a person’s ability to code-switch that regardless of who the person is texting the user should use proper sentences and English.” That way you never begin to lack the basic writing skills, it’s just a good habit rather than neglect
Unlike the Germans who received a positive response for both their ethnic and racial identity, unfortunately for the Irish it was not the case. Ireland during the nineteenth century was identified to be a religious-oriented, in which Catholicism was important to Irish national identity. Because ethnicity is partly based on religion, during the nineteenth-century majority of America was Protestant. The Irish immigrants underwent ethnical and racial discrimination especially those that were Irish Catholics. Based on their transmitted social status from Ireland as deprived immigrants, the Irish were the least expected to have the ability to oppose such scorn. Furthermore, the Irish were perceived to be unintelligent. This was considered because
It wasn’t till she asked “How does it feel not being able break down the morals of the story given to you?” I said that it made me sad and frustrated because I wanted to succeed and do my best and it felt like I am letting my family down. After that she told me you see what you just did right there, you told me how you felt without hesitation or over thinking the question. After she explained that to me it became easier for me and I felt proud and accomplished that I understood reading and writing on all sides of the cylinder. When I was going to school my teachers always praised me about my work and how I always did great in class. Another problem started to develop though; I started to get scared because a lot of people saw me as the odd ball of the class because I was all about my business and my work when I went to
For example, a simple thought bubble in place of speech can communicate that upon realizing a piece of information, a person decides to keep their knowledge of it a secret. “My grandpa was a prince”, written in swirly childish lettering, accompanied by a picture of an angry lion holding a sword, a smiling sun and a man riding an elephant all serve to provide insight into the comically infantile perspective a young developing mind might still hold. Certainly, the use of artwork with text provides a uniquely immersive experience for readers, but that is not to say that there are no drawbacks either. At times, this simplification becomes apparent, and the victories or losses experienced by characters come across as
Last night, my Hatchery broke for the third time. Although I am rather displeased with the update as well as the response I received from Backflip concerning the update, this email specifically pertains to the major obstruction that I am experiencing with my Hatchery! Since I have been through this twice before, I recognized the signs; instantly, I had a sinking feeling. While trying to breed the Pisceia Dragon, I had two long “fails” breeding in each cave. However, I had to make sure that I was correct so I could notify you. Therefore, I had to spend Gems to clear the shorter of the two "fails" then I bred my two earth dragons until I confirmed that my hatchery was indeed broken. By the way, one of the “fails” was a Rainbow Dragon and I believe the other was a Mistral Dragon.
My response to the article of the week “Should that frown be upside down? Emojis make the meaning clear by Tracey Lien”. Is emojis should not be used in the Oxford dictionary it’s not helping the English language. Instead of taking into a new world of grammar where everyone is well educated it taking us back when people were not. How would you fill if you go in time when the Indian removal was happening there gesture is only a frowny face because they are being removed from their land. They are not speaking just showing their emotions with a picture it might not be the same nowadays, but still if you are taking to someone speak to them actually right something in your text. Don't just said a picture of pancakes when someone asks you what you
Emojis are weakening our ability to read and write. An article published by the Newsela staff, “When the Oxford English Dictionary declared an emoji its 2015 word of the year, people scratched their heads,” explores how emojis in this generation have been taking over our ability to read and write. According to the Newsela staff, Move this online, where emails, text messages and instant messages, mostly allow us to communicate with words, and you can see how messages can lose their meaning or be misinterpreted.” Thus meaning, where emojis can be used, it will lower our grammatical intellect drastically.
George Orwell’s Animal Farm discusses a farm of animals who have rebelled against their cruel human owner, deciding to run the farm themselves. The farm pigs, especially a pig called Napoleon and his accomplice Squealer, are in control of this animal-led farm where they establish a communist society. The novel depicts their journey into becoming just like their cruel owner. The lesson that Orwell wants readers to learn from Animal Farm is that communism is ineffective. He demonstrates this through the pigs’ ruthless control of the farm, the acceptance of the animals to Napoleon’s dictatorship, and the metamorphosis of the pigs into corrupt leaders - what they were fighting against in the first place.
During my educational career I have written essays that had purpose or value in an educational environment for grading. Whether this was my intent or not it was what was asked of me by my instructors. Throughout all of these essays I keep a moderate amount of my own honestly throughout them. This is especially so in any essay that must ask questions. Luckily you, the reader, get to witness this. This assignment has asked questions for each and every paragraph that will be included but I might throw in a little bit of my own touches here and there. Before I finish up here I have to address them. Previously the length of my writing was much greater and it almost upsets me to think of the degree I use to write at in high school compared to now. I was a confident writer that started on the first sign of an essay. Unfortunately I am not being challenged and it shows in my ability to perform. I plan on examining my college work in order to show my growing apathy toward writing. Overall, and I mean overall, my college experience (not just in writing) has felt like a joke. The punch line is the amount of my money that will be wasted and let me tell you, it’s hilarious.
"It was horrible and there is no way I'm going back tomorrow!" I exclaimed to my mother. I felt that I had done every possible thing wrong and was greatly embarrassed by it. I explained to her all of my mixed emotions and recounted everything that had gone on. As I talked, I realized
During the time in which I joined the university to begin my bachelor, there was not a first composition class. I never studied writing in a separate class. So, I immediately started reading literature. I immediately began reading some of William Wordsworth pieces. Honestly, I was preferring to join a major that is specialized in English just as a language, but because the nearest college to my town does not have such major I joined their English literature department. I am saying this to clarify that, in the past, I was not very interested in writing.
Things that are quickly adopted are likely to quickly disappear. Emojis fit so seamlessly into the way we communicate that linguists believe they are here to stay.