Until sixth grade, I went to Shepherd Christian Elementary School. Once I moved on to sixth grade, I had to switch to a school that went through high school. I didn’t want to leave my friends; I was scared. I was touring multiple schools to see where God was leading us. When I came to Liberty, I immediately felt loved. Liberty was much larger than my old school. On the first day, I felt at home. Last summer, I went to summer camp with my church. By the end of the week, I was changed completely. Every morning, and every evening we heard a message preached by various pastors. Every service, the Holy Spirit changed something inside me. This past summer, I moved in with my grandparents. It was hard to move from the place that I’ve lived most of
On April 08, 2016, I arrived to my designated school, Cypress Point Elementary School. Upon my arrival to Cypress Point Elementary School, I went to the main office of the school to see the assistant principal, Mrs. Dewitt. She could not make it to school on time, due to her having car troubles. The secretary told me she would notify her that I arrived and to set me. As I waited for Mrs. Dewitt, I noticed quite a few students having to call home due to violating the school dress code. Mainly it was more girls violating the dress code than boys. I am assuming from what I saw, the children only wore clothes that they saw the adults wore, or whatever their parents picked out for them. During this time, I noticed a little Asian or Hispanic boy being brought to school but he was supposed to be at home due to suspension. The secretary asked him “Why are you at school?” This young man told the secretary that his mother brought him to school. The secretary informed him that he needs to call his mother so that she
This crucial four years of Highschool is what shapes up a person. Things like friends, families, and new experiences are what teach life lessons and morality. I believe that through the service activities I have taken part of this few years, I learned new qualities about myself and new aspects in life. I have learned the role of a leader, all the charitable things service can offer, and I have built a character. What impacted me the most was the “Jessey J Mcray Elementary School” program, and the Service Day activity I did in freshman year. Volunteering is a great way to bring people together and it provides physical and mental rewards for whoever decides to do it.
When I started Unity High School I felt a little nervous because I didn't knew nobody in the school. In the begging of the first class I was quit and I didn´t talk to noone. I also didn't knew nobody in the class so I could tell them if they could help me on the problem that I need help. I was shy to talk to the teachers and and answer question or ask them for help when I needed help. During lunch time I just knew one person that came from my middle school. So I just hand out with him most the time. But, then weeks and months past I began to have more friends and I was not shy or nervous to ask for help in class. I wanted to join the soccer team of the school but I was to nervous to do it. But, now I know that I´m going to join the soccer team
At a school in Texas called Hickory Hills middle school in 1999.It was a normal day for Timothy John he was stealing a nerds lunch.
When I was a little girl, my grandma would always take me to her school with her and let me sit in on her classes throughout the day. I always begged her to let me go with her because I had loved getting to be there with her and getting to pretend that I too was a part of the class. Alvord Continuation High School was mainly composed of portable classrooms, the buildings were red and white spanish style buildings. The school my grandmother taught at was not a regular high school, this was a place where students over the age of sixteen were able to attend in order to finish school to obtain a high school diploma. The students she taught primarily looked a lot older than sixteen, they were adults trying to graduate to move on with their lives.
To know how lead, first you got to learn how to follow. Knowing that quote help me understand my mentor Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith was my coach at first when I started Middle School at Paul Public Charter School. Mr. Smith had taught me to not put sports over education and to respect others.
Growing up in Catholic schools all my life I have always been told, “God created this earth now it’s our job to save it and keep it as beautiful as possible”, yet my High School did nothing to keep it beautiful like we were always told. We did not recycle the hundreds of water bottles kids drank at lunch, papers we used everyday in class, old textbooks at the end of the year, the list can go on forever. Instead, all of those items have ended up in landfills, polluting the world. Everyone agreed something needed to be done about the problem, but nothing ever changed. My school, Boylan Catholic High School, even created a Go Green club that would hang up signs saying “Save the Environment” or “Don’t forget the 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”.
For two years I begrudgingly walked into Fuller Middle School, sometimes staying home because I had a ‘headache,’ my home, as well as other places I was always resentful, pissed off, quick tempered, and just downright rude. I was a typical middle schooler going through family changes. I wore band tees and ripped skinny jeans to every event my mother would let me--including to school, I constantly violated dress coded until I found my way around authority and the policy, listened to heavy metal, colored my eyeliner on until I looked like a panda, and generally tried to make myself appear unapproachable. That’s when my mom began dating the man who I would eventually call my first lifeline.
Little Falls Community Schools have taught me so much knowledge in my thirteen years. I thought I knew a lot of information when I entered the high school, but I guess I was wrong. These past four years I have learned so much material from my teachers. Four years ago, I thought economics only dealt with money and that calculus would be really hard. Turns out, economics is not just about money but also about externalities and market structures; however, calculus is still hard. I have absorbed many different kinds of knowledge in my four years at Little Falls Community High School.
I, currently as a student at Ruth Thompson Middle School, have contributed to the community around me in many ways. In my school, as of now, I have been part of the RTMS Tech Team, which includes in helping students with technology, helping teachers set up with assemblies, open houses, replacing PC monitors, and a lot more. As part of tech team, I have also helped with things that are relatively tedious, like sorting out a whole room of cables. Yes, I will do it again at JFSS if I’m assigned or have the opportunity to. Also, I have helped with jobs that may require a little more skill. In my school, I have tried, along with a team of other students, try to install Chrome OS on unsupported hardware, which if succeeds, will be installed on more
Vividly, I can remember walking through the high school doors for the first time as a freshman with shaky legs and a nervous heartbeat. The school was a jungle of wide, shiny hallways filled with lumbering seniors who I thought were going to knock my books down on Freshman Friday. However, time has passed, and now I find myself to be the tall and “scary” senior. As I ponder about the last four years I have spent at Little Falls Community High School, I can not help but realize how much I have changed for the better. As I have matured, I have gleaned that beauty does not come through makeup and clothing brands, but rather through processing a good heart. Also, I have changed my career and college plans after high school, and I know that I will
I started middle school at Bethany Middle school, I had my two older cousins going to school with me. One is the same grade I am and the other is two years older. It was nice having them but we all hung out with different crowds and sometimes we would not agree on the same things so we would not always get along. My first day of middle school was not as bad as i thought it would have been due to the fact that the Bethany middle school was not big at all. My 6th grade year was tough for me when it came to school work, i was used to the work from Central Elementary school and the Bethany Schools were much more strict and left a lot of homework so it was a big change for me. I remember my English class was the hardest along with science but I
Beginning my elementary school career, I attended Indianapolis Public Schools. When I entered school, Kindergarten was only half days, and we were working on materials such as, learning our alphabet and counting to 100. The workload was a far cry from the addition, subtraction, early reading skills, and science that my daughter is learning in kindergarten this year. Following the first grade I left the Indianapolis Public School System and entered into a new school system. Embarking on second grade we started working on the skills that would help us read proficiently. I was absolutely struggling, but I was also so distrustful that I didn’t dare to say anything to my teacher. Thankfully, even without me saying anything to her, my teacher noticed
In the fall of 2014, I embarked on the start of my ephemeral high school experience. Reminiscing back onto my first day of school, I can recall the exact moment as if it was yesterday. The adrenaline spewing out of my veins as if I had just consumed a large amount of caffeine, the anxiety boiling in my nerves not knowing who my teachers were or where my classes were. But most of all, I recall the coalescing of my fellow classmates’ personalities and the censure everyone had towards each other. It was in this moment that I had realized that Northwest Christian High School was not a banal Christian environment. In fact, Northwest Christian High School was the antithesis of a banal Christian environment.
The months went by in a blink of an eye, and it was the last week of school. My classes for the rest of the week, we're watching a movie and eating pizza ,but only people who had a good