
Personal Narrative: The Worst Collapse

Satisfactory Essays

I wrote the worst book ever when the world was crashing and more people than ever before in history were committing suicide. Specifically, December 2008, banks were shutting down, the stock market had it's worst fall ever in history, everyone was losing jobs, homes, families. That month I published a book on investing. It sold 291 copies. It was the worst timing on the worst book in the worst period in recent history. I also lost my house and my wife. So one time my kids were visiting me. I made them come up with me from bookstore to bookstore. Every book I could find, I signed. And I would put weird little notes on each book. Like, "If you buy this book you will make a Zillion Dollars!" Or, "If you buy this book, I will grant you …show more content…

So we were going to meet in a bookstore near the train station and then go to her place and she would cook. I was late. She remembered I mentioned that even though my last book was about investing, it had a lot of personal stuff written in it. So she went looking for my book, hoping they would have some. Not suprisingly, they had not sold a single one of my books in the prior six months. They had about eight of them there. The same number that was there six months earlier when I was signing the books next to my six year old. She pulled one of the books off the shelves. She was going to read it until I got there. She flipped it open to the first page and saw that I had already signed the book. She couldn't believe the message over the signature. She thought maybe I had arrived at the bookstore first and was playing a trick on her. She looked around. Nobody was there. She looked in the next aisle. Was he here? No, I was late. Now she and I have been married for the past five years. I am so happy about it. I look at her and think, how did this happen? Part of the reason, I suspect, is that she believes in signs from a force above. And perhaps that force above had forced my hand when I wrote a message in that one particular

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