This year I did a total of four hours in volunteering. I choose a service opportunity that shared the same interests as myself. I volunteered for the open house and was a lacrosse ambassador. I had gotten to the open house early and helped set up the booth. To make it appealing for people, the head coach and I brought in lacrosse gear, trophies, pictures, and set out the sign up sheet. We also set up a tablet with the St. Ursula lacrosse page brought up so people could brows through last seasons work and accomplishments. When open house just started people started trickling into the gym. There were girls from different schools and some incoming freshmen. At first the visitors were slow, then more and more people started coming to our booth. The coach and I would take turns explaining what this upcoming season had in store and what last season …show more content…
I think back on to the open house and all the people I talked with and know that I am helping the lacrosse program at St. Ursula grow. I feel that I was getting more girls involved and interested in the sport, and possibly having them join the team makes me feel like I made an impact and it feels good to know that I am helping my school and my team. This school has given me a lot of new opportunities that I am thankful for the opportunity to give back. I understand I am behind on hours so I am planning to get some done this upcoming summer. Junior year I am planning on volunteering at one facility to help me get the required hours. I am also planning on volunteering at the lacrosse summer camp to help the new players. I am looking forward to volunteering more because I feel like I will learn more and it will help me be more involved in more community. The volunteering I will be doing in the future, I believe, will not only help other people, but also myself. I need to learn how to interact with people more easily and I feel like I will learn a
My two main volunteer experiences consist of: Outdoor School, and volunteering for Homework Club at Gordon Russell Middle School. I have only been able to go to Outdoor School twice, but both times were filled with accomplishments. I worked on plants field study, so learning all the information, which seemed overwhelming at first, and then being
In addition, I have volunteered at my youth group at Christus Church. I have spent roughly 15 hours involving myself in service projects that help our community. Finally, I have helped with the trail development at Nordic Mountain. I have chipped in 30 hours towards creating trails, raking pine needles, digging up dirt, removing debris, and weed whacking the trails. I not only occupy the willingness to help out the community, but I also possess strong feelings towards a vigorous
For the past two years I’ve worked with a local organization, TAASC, which helps disabled adults and children participate in action sports. During the winter months I help teach and assist with their skiing program and in the summer with paddleboarding and canoeing. It’s been a very rewarding experience. Nothing compares to that smile and the joy that you share. Volunteering is a key part of being a contributing citizen and it is one of the best ways to give back to the community. It also introduces you to students and experiences outside of your field of study and offers the potential to discover new interests and friends. During my years at Ohio State I plan to take advantage of volunteering programs and look forward to broadening my education and leadership
I have helped out in the Youth Triathlon, playing with kids or helping
I mainly did these volunteer service hours during my time in high school and some others in grade school that I can’t quite remember. For my first three years in high school each student had to get a certain amount of service hours. For all three years I chose Merrimac Park for the location I would choose. It was close to me and I went there often. My first year I simply walked around the park and picked up all the trash I spotted. The second year I did this but then I also asked if they would let me help in the park house as well. They said yes so whenever I came I would sweep the floors of both the hallways and the gym. The third year I was once again looking to do a little more so I offered my services as a score board operator for the youth flag football league I had once been a part of at the park. I knew the person in charge of the athletic programs at the park so he agreed. I was even allowed to ref a few games because I know the basic rules having been in the league and also playing football myself in high school. I think that year was my favorite out of the three. I loved cleaning the park but adding on the role to help out the flag football league was a blast. It was something that at the time I was passionate about and had a close tie with. To be able to help was truly an honor and made me glad I was able to volunteer my time at the
I volunteered at the Gonzales City volleyball clinic where I assisted the head coach by helping the young volleyball players learn how to set, serve, hit, and bump. I did this three times a week for three hours each day. The clinic consisted of children from ages 7-14 and each age group went in at different times. Also, I did community service at my local St. Theodore Church by helping in the jumping house at the church carnival. For the past four seasons I helped fundraise at the high school football games by selling food at the stadium snack bar. In every home football game I would stay for more than half of the game in the snack
At a very young age, I made it a goal of mine to volunteer at a different organization every summer. Since the summer of seventh grade I have accumulated near 500 community service hours. I have matured, gained responsibility, and my work ethic has only strengthened from participating in Improvement Committees, Hospital Secretary, Camp Counselor, set design and application of theatrical make up and much more. I have been accepted into 7 different clubs and organizations, not counting earning the title of Vice President of National Beta from 2015-2017.
Some students who were in second grade would ask to volunteer because they wanted to do what we were doing. There is nothing that feels better than knowing that you are a role model for young kids and your community. I felt as if I was shaping those kids’ future by showing them that making a difference in your community is a good thing. Another great encounter I had was getting to see middle school students teach adults how to use gardening tools. This program also won a state award. Just getting to be a part of that is an amazing thing. Even though I did my hours over summer, I still continue to volunteer. I also landed a job with PLAY as their intern. I love my job and the experience is
It’s easier to be heard when you don’t actually speak. I have never considered myself a writer. I don’t ever recall a time when I wanted to be a writer, but ever since I could hold a pencil, I’ve been writing things down. They started out as scribbles on construction paper when I wasn’t too busy taste testing my crayons. Then they evolved into repeated letters, backwards, forwards, what have you, dancing up and down across lines three times the necessary width. Once I learned the proper forms I could write these letters in different orders. I could jumble them across the page putting a ‘D’ next to an ‘O’ or a ‘C’ next to an ‘A.’ My notebooks started to look like word search novels. It was then I was taught to make words with meanings that could be used to make sentences with complete thoughts. Suddenly, the random flicks of my wrist started to form words and I had the power to communicate in a whole new way.
Immediately following Saturday’s online class, if asked whether I would change the way in which I search for information or not, I would have said perhaps a little. This is because I did not fully understand the concepts being shown. Both Kristy and Dr. Fagerman demonstrated numerous techniques during the day’s presentation; showing students, including myself, how to search the databases to either narrow or widen our results, making it much quicker to find relevant data. Since that time, I’ve read through all of the handouts and practiced using these ideas with improved success. Logging into the FLITE library and practicing has helped return better information and much quicker than I was able to originally. One particular group during the
The Personal-Social section was another section that Eli seem to score low in. Eli is a very calm and energetic child and I’ve only seen him get upset probably twice during my scheduled lab time. I would even describe him as having an easy/flexible temperament. He is always in a good and if it does get upset, it is not difficult for him to be calmed down. He does have a set routine that he follows. When he wakes up from his nap, he lays down for about five minutes without crying and does not want to be removed until he stands up in the crib and is ready. Once he was removed before he was ready and he was in a “grumpy” mood for the remainder the day. The only other times I have seen Eli upset is when he was not getting snack fast enough and
In my Strong Interest Inventory, my highest themes results were conventional, enterprising and artistic. For my MBTI results I was described to be introverted, rely on my intuition, feel rather than think, and perceive rather than judge. My results for the Five Factor Inventory were high neuroticism and agreeableness, low extraversion, very high openness, and moderate conscientiousness. Lastly, my Strength Finder results were: restorative, input, context, harmony and developer. These personality traits have helped me learn and succeed in different types of environments in high school. I believe my results are pretty accurate.
Especially since working for the Troy Public Schools maintenance department, I have had the opportunity to meet and help many people within my community. During the holidays I helped at the senior center with decorating and planning, I have set up for the school board meetings, and I have participated in many other jobs that benefit the community. During the two school years that I have attended Troy, I have donated to the food bank during our annual food drive. Back to my hometown, I have over 50 hours of volunteer work and community service at the Blaine Boys and Girls Club. “The Club” is an after school program where kids of all ages go to participate in games and activities, get help with homework, and are able to be surrounded by a friendly environment. After school I would help with snack, cleaning, organizing activities, and helping kids with homework. During the holidays I was a volunteer for the Giving Tree program, where gifts are donated to less fortunate families so that they can have presents under their tree on Christmas Day. I love helping my community and being involved, it builds good characteristics as well as important life
At the preschool, I have shared with the young children what it is like attending a higher level school and what obstacles they will have to overcome. I also gave back by helping each class with their science fair projects and prepare their end of the year music performances for their friends and families along with small learning activities. The club I am a member of at my high school gives students the chance to make a real difference while having fun. We ally with community leaders, develop leadership skills, make international connections, and discover more opportunities to associate with Rotary, which is the parent club of
I was born in Adelaide, Australia and raised in Singapore. I currently live in Brisbane with my husband. We recently got married and now that we're back in Brisbane all settled down, I thought I start blogging as a pastime while I look for a job.