
Personal Philosophy Of Guidance

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My philosophy of guidance begins with patience. Having patience instilled in us as adults will help equip us to handle difficult situations, but also help us as teachers and caregivers to guide children with respect and understanding. Another value of guidance I find important is communication. Not only is it important in building their language and literacy, but it also helps build their self respect. If you communicate clearly and respectfully with a child they are going to do the same in turn. This will also reflect in their relationships with their peers. When practicing guidance, educators and caregivers need to have an understanding of infant and toddler development. Spanning from brain development to social/emotional development and …show more content…

I believe that children need structure and organization, but at the same time have the freedom to explore and discover new things on their own. The idea behind this is that if children have structure they will feel safe, when they feel safe they feel comfortable, and when they're comfortable they are more capable of being themselves and this will help expand their learning capabilities. When things are organized not only is it easy for them to find things, but it teaches them respect for belongings and responsibility. The idea behind this being if they take something out for play or to learn they would need to clean up and put it away before moving on the another activity. Being raised in an environment, as a child where respect for adults was taught and respect for yourself was praised, have really effected how I would like to shape my own philosophy of guidance. If these values are instilled in children from a very young age, they're going to become part of their own personal values and beliefs. And this, in turn, will help shape who they will become as an …show more content…

There was a lot of things we had to do on our own as kids. While some people may disagree with being brought up that way, I value you it because it taught me a lot about myself and how capable I am at being independent. Children should also be taught how to be responsible (not by being alone of course) because there are so many tools that you can use and learn as a child that, too, will help you be a well adjusted adult. Anything from putting away toys, learning how to cook with your family, or even small things like shutting of lights when leaving a room. It shouldn't always just be about "play," but really learning values for the future. Learning so many different philosophies from such an eclectic mix of child psychologists and child experts has really helped to reinforce some of my beliefs and also help to shape them as well. Being new to the field has yet to allow me to practice my own philosophy. I'm hoping that not much of it will change, but at the same time I'm hoping that I will be able to expand on it with

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