
Personal Reflection Essay

Decent Essays

I am very grateful to be able to write this assessment since it allowed me to reflect a little more about the labor values. In fact, I was able to know and recognize what kind of values I have. Likewise, it helps me to know which qualities are my strengths and which are my weak points which I hope one day I can overcome them. I am glad to know that I am not very extremist that I find myself in the middle of values, for example, I was thinking that I was a very thinking person but thanks to the exercises we did in class I realized that when I make a decision I also put my feelings in that decision. This helped me realize that I can think of an issue but I also listen to my heart and I always try to understand the feelings of people around me. Also, this activity helped me to confirm that if I am a responsible person, and that someday when I work in an organization this value will be crucial to be able to have good working relationships with my future colleagues. For example, when one of them fails to perform a function, another employee may be affected, which can generate a certain rose among colleagues; To avoid this situation, people must be committed to the company, its partners, and its functions. Another of my strengths is Creativity. Personally, I never liked to do or act for fixed schemes. I like to get out of the usual way of doing things, looking for more efficient and fun ways of doing things. If I have a problem I try to find alternative solutions, and finally

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