
Personal Reflection Of Newspapers

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I worked for 14 years at Random Lengths Publications and for eight years combined at three community newspapers (The Siuslaw News, Central Oregonian, and Springfield News). All four offices had fewer than 20 people on hand, and we were all often called upon to fill in for others when they were overwhelmed or on a break, or when they were sick or vacationing. At the newspapers in particular, I frequently worked late hours and often was the only one in the office to field phone calls. Further, I was the face of the company when I was working in the field, easily recognized with camera and notebook in hand. Readers approached me not only about the event at hand, but issues pertaining to my other duties or even the issues of co-workers. Whether in person or on the phone, I always listened to reader concerns, and I assured readers that I or someone else on the staff would address those concerns in a timely manner. For example, when callers hadn’t received their newspaper and the circulation personnel had already left for the day, I would deliver papers myself. With Random Lengths I e-mailed issues of missed newsletters and reported the situation to the circulation department for follow-up.

A publications office environment is always fast-paced with multiple ongoing projects. Callers and visitors had story suggestions, complaints, or other reasons to command my attention while I commonly was attending to other constituents or my projects on deadline. I have fielded and routed

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