
Examples Of Personal Responsibility Essay

Decent Essays

Personal Responsibility Essay

Imagine going through your entire life without taking personal responsibility for absolutely anything. How would this method of operation affect your life? Day to day life would be chaotic, career advancement would be impossible, and concepts like intrapersonal relationships would quickly become overwhelming and unfeasible. The ability and drive to take personal responsibility in life is a central focal point in the areas of creating a successful life, defining goals and priorities, and creating a structure with which to effectively guide your life.
When working toward a successful life, personal responsibility is a vital cornerstone. The concept of personal responsibility is more than just being …show more content…

The setting and constant evaluation of these goals and priorities becomes the framework of a successful life and a vital gauge for one to evaluate their progress. Strategies as simple as writing your goals down can be useful in solidifying those goals, as outlined in Becoming a Master Student (Toft, 2011): “Writing down your goals exponentially increases your chances of meeting them. Writing exposes undefined terms, unrealistic time frames, and other symptoms of fuzzy thinking.” Having your goals in a ‘real’ format makes them harder to lose track or sight of. However, if one is not willing to truly take personal responsibility for the outcome of their progress, they will never make it very far in pursuit of their goals and any real personal growth becomes stunted.
While some people believe that they are able to lead a successful life without taking any responsibility and just drift, this is a misconception. Achieving success comes through the crafting of an individual framework of goals and priorities that one will strive toward, measuring success through their progress toward these goals. This can take wildly different forms for each individual, as each person must use tactics that make sense to them. Personally, my own plan to engrain personal responsibility into my education involves constant evaluation of my progress via my calendar and prioritized lists and through tracking of my grades. The use

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