
Personal Theories Of Personal Identity

Decent Essays

How did it feel? Nice, or strange, or both? A little fear step in? Your ego came rampaging in with the thought they must think I am strange, or crazy, or did I turn the oven off, or I wish I fixed my hair, or am I after them, or are they after me, or what are they thinking about me, I hope they don’t think I am gay, or ….
Before all this thinking, when things were calm, do you think you could call it love?
Did you feel a kinship, a connection? An understanding that here at this time are two souls meeting and realizing they have some shit in common.
Can we respect that? Feel a compassion for each other? A respect that he or she is going through all the same stuff I am going through?
Appreciate that, trust them and drop the walls, and let the …show more content…

It makes you smile.
People say there are many meanings and types of love. I am sure there is only one real love. Everything else is everything else. Distant seconds. The same love you can feel for a pet is the same love you can feel for a mate. Just don’t let any of our earthly human ego thoughts such as jealousy, possessiveness, guilt, greed, mistrust, fear, etc. - in to destroy the love.
My theory is that is why puppies and babies are so easy to fall in love with. We can trust them to not have any ulterior motives. My dog Max isn’t looking cute so he can get me to do something for him. And the baby is just being himself. He is too fresh to need conditions.
If we could see life through a baby. Maybe that’s why all babies are beautiful, even the ones that aren’t. They are starting with a clean slate, and feeling loved unconditionally.
The Big …show more content…

I am talking about the big love that we can have for one another and everything we become aware of. A joy to be able to see it and experience it. The blessing and thankfulness that brings it to our awareness. A respect for it. And a respect for what is inside of it. For the same thing is inside of you. The same thing that created it created you and you are made up of the same material. That is at the sub-atomic level. Everything is energy – little atoms spinning around so fast as to appear solid. That goes for all material including your

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