
Persuasion Definition

Decent Essays

Persuasion is altering attitude, beliefs, values, or behavior of someone or something. Beliefs are what you accept as true or false. Values are something that one considers to be of importance or desirable. Behaviors are the way that one acts. An example of the differences between these terms are that they all have different teachers; Beliefs you teach yourself. Values are mainly based on society’s or your self thoughts. While, behavior can be taught by yourself, parents or society. A second difference is the factor of them being taught. Behavior can be thought to a person throughout their life. Values can also be taught. However, no one can tell you what you believe is right or wrong. Change is also another factor in their difference. Beliefs …show more content…

To threaten a loved one an advertisement may say second hand smoke will kill their children or unupdated and unchecked fire alarms may end with the death of a pet or family member. A credible speaker can instill fear by their title alone. A doctor telling you to take your medication or you may have worse effects is scarier than your parent. A dentist telling you that a certain brand of toothpaste wears away enamel is scarier than a friend of yours. To convince the audience your threat will happen if they don't change their ways can be done when you mention that they could kill someone's mom, daughter, dad, son, brother, or sister if they don't stop texting and driving. Another way to instill fear would be saying if you don't quit drinking you may shut down your liver and die like the 2.5 million other people worldwide. Increasing intensity is done by telling someone they could kill others if not following the laws of the road, which makes them a murderer. It can also be done by mentioning the health of their pets are in danger with smoking around them. Lastly, you can convince listeners that they have the ability to change the threat you gave them. To convince one can state to quit smoking you can use a patch and this music cd to ease the addiction or by giving out a tutors information that may help a student excel in

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