Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to drink more water.
A. Attention – getter: Have you ever thought about why people say that you need to drink more water? Have you tried to do it? If you don’t, why not? Do you really think that you drink enough water? Well I guess the answer for many of you will be no. It is common that most people do not pay attention to these advises that is drink water. Instead people prefer to buy carbonated, sugary, and other expensive drinks like Monster, Red bull, Vitaminic water that end up doing the opposite of the benefits that water can provide us.
B. The human body is around 70 % of water. According to Amy Lowy’s article, “A person can survive about two months without food, but only a few days without water.”
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A. Drink water help the body to burn fast that are toxic and accelerate our metabolism in the same way.
1. Based to the study published on the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism the consumption of water can lead to a 30 % in the rate of the metabolism.
2. On the article “Drinking Water to Lose Weight” stated that in one study done in 2011 “found that people who drank about 2 cups of water before each meal lost more weight than people who followed a similar diet without drinking water before meals. “
3. Water transport toxic substances such as carbohydrates and proteins to the bloodstream.
Third Point : Water also have others benefits.
A. SKIN: Woman at least spend many of her salaries buying expenses cosmetic in order to give a better look to her physical appearance, but the secret of the beauty together with others thing is the consumption of water.
1. Water keep the skin younger, less wrinkly, prevent dryness and also keep our body soft.
B. Reduce risk of Heart Attack, headache , systolic blood pressure more than 30 mm
C. Water drinking increases blood pressure moderately
D. Drink water increase energy and good
Water is something that is seen as solely necessary for human beings to stay hydrated, but the novels being mentioned in this paper describe water as being something more. Praisesong for the Widow by Paule Marshall, Krik? Krak! by Edwidge Danticat and Masters of the Dew by Jacques Roumain all depict water as being something that helps with liberation, recovery and new life.
Along with food, water has always been one of life's essentials. Humans can survive up to three weeks without food but only a matter of three days without water and the adverse effects of dehydration can be noticed within hours. Despite the risks involved with obesity and its enormous hold on the American population, individuals have a tendency to forget about the importance of water when trying to maintain a healthy diet. Water is the single most
Since, I have been working on my fitness and health goals over the last year, I of course have needed to start drinking more water. Yet, I still have not been able to get myself to drink the daily-recommended amount of water. Therefore, there are a number of reasons that support my reasoning for wanting to increase my daily water intake. For instance, I want to incorporate drinking more water, because I know that it plays such an essential role in a persons overall health. Changing this behavior will ultimately benefit me in now and in the future. Also, not drinking enough water fatigues the body and muscles, especially for those that are actively exercising. Since, I have been incorporating more exercise into my daily routine, it is important that I also incorporate at least the recommended daily water intake if not more. Another significant factor is that water is essential to organ health and function. Therefore, in order for my organs to function properly I must be consuming the proper amount of water. That is why, I would like to make this behavior change in my life now, so that I could live a long and healthy life. As I reflect back on the experiences I encountered while trying to change my water consumption, I have to admit that overall I had a positive experience. I learned a lot about myself, and my own personal
Transition: Firstly, I will discuss several reasons why major organs need our bodies to consume water
for our bodies, the benefits that come with drinking water and a few methods to help you
Water is one of the most important elements on Earth and also for our body. We need water to work and function properly and well. Without enough supply of water, our body will grind to a halt and collapse.
When you are drinking properly you can get dehydrated which could cause you to be very sick, make you feel dizzy and may puke. Sugary drinks can help with dehydration but your getting added calories and end up trying to fix one area while your ruining others in the process. By that being said, water is the better choice because all water does is help you. Drinking water actually helps a person lose weight. Drinking enough water makes for a better and longer life.
Hydration with water and other water-based liquids is critical for survival and functioning of the body’s organs. Water is 60% of the total human body composition. Water is involved in the
Water is considered as an essential for human existence. We all can survive without food for some day but no one can live without water at least two days. Human body consists of 70% percent of water and our globe is covered by 69.9% percent of water. But unfortunately the useable fresh water is just 2.5% out of it. Water is a social good, water is an economic good, water has ecological value and water has religious, moral and cultural value.
Comprising over seventy percent of the Earth's surface, water is undeniably the most valuable natural resource. Life on Earth would be non-existent without water because it is essential for everything on our planet to grow. The human body is composed of 50-80% water. Blood and muscles contain significant amounts, and approximately 95% of the brain is water. All body systems and organs need water to function properly, and will shut down without it. Most of the chemical reactions that take place in our body need water as their medium. We can live without food for a few weeks, but can survive only a few days without water. It's essential because unlike other nutrients, water isn't stored in the body. Typically, everyday, we lose around 10
Water is the top priority in a human's life it helps with your health and for the Ancient egyptians That was one of the gifts the Nile has given them.It helped them with a lot of things for example for there crops it provided rich soil and something for them to bath in it gave them a drinking source to help them survive.
As you can see, water plays a major role in many factors of your body.
My parents always told me to “drink milk” at meals, so I grew up thinking water was something one only drank at restaurants to save money. It’s flavorless, not delicious, and lacks and nutritional value. I have learned the necessity of water the difficult way. Safe to say, I did not care about drinking water the majority of my life. I only drank approximately twenty-four ounces of water a day, on a good day, if even that, and that’s just in the past three years. The past two years I have fainted, blacked out, and become dehydrated because I did not drink enough water,
Human body contains more than 50 percent of water present in the form of body fluid and cellular fluid. Because our body contains water and eliminates waste materials through water excretion, we need to drink adequate quantity of water in order replenish the water percentage in our body. A dehydrated body will not be able to perform the vital functions.
Water is our main source of our life. We need it to live, drink, bathe,