
Persuasive Essay About Obamacare

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When I was looking through the issues our government and country is facing, I saw a lot of politically motivated issues but healthcare is the one that is just too big to not do some research on. Healthcare issue also made me question, why do we need the government? “A government is needed to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the Blessings of liberty to ourselves and posterity.” (Preamble, US constitution), If the government is here to provide us with a good health, happiness and fortunes, then healthcare is definitely classified under this condition, therefore the government must interfere and make the right decision to make its …show more content…

Depending on who you ask, the Obama care is being hailed as a failure or a huge success. Before addressing this problem and coming to conclusion, it’s important to look at what America was before the current healthcare plan, how the current plan is helping many Americans and what will the future look like if the plan stands. “In 2012, about 20 percent of the Americans lived below the poverty level,” (Bishaw, and about half of that population was uninsured, some states had better insurance system than others, for example, 27 percent of Texas population was uninsured while in Massachusetts only 4 percent was an uninsured, and for a decade, health insurance was getting expensive at a rate greater than the income for lower class and middle class was increasing. Finally, after proposing the bill in 2009 right at the beginning of his first term, on March 23, 2010, President Obama signed a law called the patient protection and affordable act, often shortened to the affordable care act (ACA) also known as the Obama care. This new system changes many things, To make sure everyone is well aware and have an easy access to the system, the new plan has offices in many places to provide a quality Health insurance market place, where different types of plans are available with a help of a government agents, the major changes are, people can see what they are qualified for depending on their income and family size, like the individual mandate, which is, every American is required to have some type of health insurance, women don’t have to pay more than men, insurance’s provided preventing cares like checkups and screenings, the 80/20 rule, where the insurance have to spend 80% of the money they get from premium on actual health care, employees who work for a smaller company (50 employees and less) can use the small business health options program

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