
Persuasive Essay About Technology

Decent Essays

Look around. Everyone has their faces buried into their phones, laptops, iPads, etc. Many people would say that technology is taking over in our everyday lives. I, however, beg to differ. Technology is one of the best things the human race could get their hands on. Yes it seems like everything is in “the Cloud” or everyone is tweeting, reposting, Snapchatting, and liking everything. But how I see it is, a way for people to communicate and share ideas they have with other like-minded people, accomplish papers and essays without having to go to a library because whatever device you use, has a search engine that can search any question you have. As an aspiring computer programmer, technology will always play a role in my career because someone is responsible for the software and programs that allow a computer to run, the world around us is always adapting, and without technology, where would computer programmers be? If I received the Evolve IP Cloud Scholarship, then the scholarship would be able to open so many doors for me because I would be able to afford continuing my education.
To begin with, as an aspiring computer programmer, technology will always play a role in my career because someone is responsible for the software and programs that allow a computer to run.Computer programmers have to make the software and programs so the world can use it. It didn’t just appear there. Someone had to make the plan before it could be something great. Look at Snapchat. It didn’t just start out as an amazing social media application. No, a team of programmers came together and made the blueprints to what is now a great application for quickly sharing photos with friends and family. It doesn’t stop a just social media applications. There are educational websites and apps such as Edmodo, where students and teachers can communicate with one another, find class assignments, and even turn them in electronically. Who do you think had to have done that?
Furthermore, as an aspiring computer programmer, technology will always play a role in my career because the world around us is adapting. We didn’t get stuck back when medicines, indoor plumbing, and cars did not exist. So why should we let technology become dated? Computer

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