
Persuasive Essay On Mental Health

Decent Essays

Now more than ever, we are all traveling at a million miles a minute, in the fast paced environment we call normal. We are multitasking more often, thinking about what is for dinner later while we are at work and trying to be as efficient as possible. Staying up late overthinking and worrying has become more and more common. Never pausing for a moment to take a breath and let our brains turn off. This can lead to multiple mental health issues such as depression and uncontrollable anger. Enabling yourself to be able to change perspectives in any given situation and analyze things from a different points of view, is called mindfulness (2). The mindfulness concept is essentially taking back control of your own mind. If you are walking through your life physically present, but not mentally present. Are you really experiencing your life? How many times have you been listening to a friend vent about their issues, but you were not truly listening to hear them? That is mindlessness, which in today’s society has become far too common. Being mindful does not just stop at that though. So often, we never stop and give our thoughts a rest, but we expect our brains to keep up with us (1). This is why we need to focus more on the tasks we are participating in now to improve our own quality of life.
In contrast, being in a mindless state, people cannot analyze situations in many different point of views and tend to act before thinking. This could be due to several things like being habitually not present in your own life or learning this mindset through childhood experiences. A Harvard study was done and on average our minds are lost in thought almost forty-seven percent of the time. This is also a direct cause of unhappiness because we are not living in the moments we are experiencing (1). For example, if someone is constantly thinking about what someone else may think of them. The person will then stress about this while participating in other experiences and then begin to stress over their stress causing an endless spiral. As long as the goal is turning off their brain, mindful minutes can look like many different things depending on the individual. This could look like meditation, quiet relaxation, or just

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