
Persuasive Essay On Study Abroad

Decent Essays

Studying Abroad
COMMSA or the Communications Study Abroad Program is an opportunity everyone should be able to achieve. Being able to study in a foreign country gives students the chance to see differences in how they receive an education verse the new location they are studying in. San Jose State University is a huge supporter of students having this opportunity and even has uniquely styled programs made specifically for the Communications department. The study abroad program page on our SJSU website shows students two options that are specifically for Communication students for the summer of 2018, students could experience places like Jyväskylä, Finland or Berlin Germany, this is only the start of places that are offered to students. The Jyväskylä, Finland and Beijing, China trips are currently on hold, so if a student wanted to get a better understanding of what the Communications department is offering for a study abroad program the Berlin, Germany trip could most likely answer some of their questions. The trip runs from June 11-29th in the summer of 2018, and has a focus of enlightening people on the city’s dark past but seemingly bright future. This trip is designed to show students WWII memorials and how the people of Berlin are constantly trying to deal with their hard past, but also exploring the local spots were citizens are trying to create sustainable living and “greener” lifestyles. Not only would you learn about the rich history of the city by traveling

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