
Persuasive Essay On Why People Smoke

Decent Essays

Have you ever wondered why some people do things? Why do people hurt others, why do people have no motivation, why do people not care about major things in life? A big question I have is why do people smoke? I have found two very disturbing images that have touched me personally in the heart. Smoking has been in my family for a while and has caused health problems to my family members as long as I can remember. The first time I saw a cigarette was when I was little, the smell made me feel sick; my grandpa had no clue that I was very sensitive to these types of things. Today my older sister is a big smoker, I try to show her ads and statistics but she can not stop. My parents have never smoked and we all try to get her to stop. Like they …show more content…

Some do not understand how dangerous it is to smoke and these type of advertisements really help people get an understanding on how affecting it can be to your body. When young adults and teens smoke, they don’t understand that it will affect them long term. Like the picture says, 90% of the americans that die each year due to smoking are people that started as teens. The message across this picture is more than just having smokers stop, it wants people to stop before it causes a disease that can kill them. There are so many different diseases that can be caused by smoking. People think it is hard to get lung cancer and if they stop smoking before they get old that it won’t affect them but they are wrong, smoking has many long term effects that could possibly change someone’s life forever. I would hope that if someone saw this ad that is a regular smoking or new to smoking, they would second guess their actions and would stop before it is too late. If a person that saw this ad that doesn’t smoke, I hope they would show this to a friend, family member, or anyone they know that smokes so they can help them stop. I strongly think that if a smoker or non smoker saw this, only 1/20 people would be affected by this ad because some wouldn’t want to stop, others would think it is false, and most of them would not take their time to read it. I wish people would take their time to read and think about this ad and any other ad that says talks smoking, but people don’t find it

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