“Why are travel teams popular?”
Sports are universal and make up a good majority of kids’ extra-curricular involvement these days. As a person who has played sports for most of my life, I can definitely say that I enjoyed being a part of travel sports teams in the offseason. Whenever a person is passionate about something, they tend to work a little harder, succeed more often and reach the goals they set for themselves; travel sports allow for this. They allow you to work on your skills and athletics outside of your regular season, but also allow you to have fun while doing it. Sports were made for two types of people: the people that enjoy sports just for the exercise, social aspect and having fun, and the people who are competitive, have a driven passion and want to continue with their sport into the future. After reading the article, “Michelle Obama: All kids should play sports, not just
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These kids may still take their school sports seriously and want to do well during their season. However, even though they may be very good players, they do not have any desire to continue with their sport after high school. These kids usually play sports for the status quo and may find themselves to be more popular among their peers when they are involved in sports. I think these kids find travel sports appealing because it is fun. They can meet some of the coolest people by playing travel sports and make lifelong friendships. They get to travel for a whole weekend with these new friends, play the sport they love, hang out in between games and make memories that will last a lifetime. I played travel basketball from fourth grade through my senior year and have met many great friends throughout the process. I can still sit down with any of my old travel team friends and reminisce about all of our amazing memories and stories that we share from playing travel
Sports are not for everybody, not only because of talent level, but because a certain mindset is to be had to be successful at any sport. A commitment is made. Forty hours of practice a week, the average amount of time spent practicing for football players, all for a one hour game, the average time of one game of college football, takes dedication. That is not even counting the time spent icing, resting, and studying the playbook or film, not to mention the school work to be kept up with for college and high school students. Most athletes have become used to the grind and juggling three or four time consuming activities all at one time while being successful at each. Waking up at the break of dawn, following a schedule, and suffering consequences when a bad choice is made creates character and discipline that is often needed for many little league, high school, and college athletes. The most important non tangible thing sports teach anyone is how to get back up after falling, how to get knocked down but get right back up and keep going, how to move on from failure and overcome it, focusing on the next important part of life. These skills of determination and courage taught through sports are essential for being successful in any part of life and are hard to come by anywhere
“Only 8% of high school athletes go to the next level.” There are very few kids that will pick a school sport over a travel/AAU sport. A sport of choice is anyone's decision, but who you play for could be a big factor. Kids from all around the world play travel sports trying to improve on specific skills. This could lead kids into not playing for their own high school team, but going and playing for someone trying to gain recognition or get a higher level of competition. The cycle of kids abandoning their team for a travel team needs to stop; it is taking away from the community as a whole and MHSAA should issue restrictions against students choosing travel leagues over school sports.
As stated by sources, travel sports are more expensive than participation. One example of where it is shown is, “travel sports are a financial burden one guy even spent $10,000 over 3 years on tournaments alone” (Trouble With Travel Sports). This is a beneficial thing to know because not all families are able to spend that kind of money and they may not be expecting the prices of the tournaments but they are already committed to the team. It cost a lot to just begin to play the sports. In fact, it cost over 2,000 dollars to begin to play sports on average (Barone). This shows it is very costly and if kids want to play a sport than nowadays it is very hard to find a participation sport. Not to mention, Getting equipment for sports can be very expensive too. In fact, getting equipment can be expensive it cost on average nearly 1,000 dollars (High Cost Of Youth Sports).
Parents can even coach their childs team, which to me is a great way to bond with your child. Kids do not miss out on anything while being a part of organized activities because with sports you still have to be creative and use your brain. Becoming better at sports gives them experience, confidence, and helps them mature. Even if a child is not that great at a sport
Do you think travel sports are necessary? Some think traveling sports are expensive and not worth the extra effort and time. Others think travel teams open doors to their future and provide great competition therefore making it worth the time and expense. I believe travel sports are beneficial because of the great team bonding, better competition and the opportunity it offers players to take their sport to the next level.
But in some countries they cannot play sports or are forced into sports. If they are born in a low economic area in the world they would either be forced into sports or not even do them. In low economic areas most children do not play sports on a team they only play on their free time. But also in some countries they can play sports, like America. Here in America if they choose a sport, they can play it. Our schools have a huge variety of sports to play throughout school years. Sometimes in countries where they economic levels are low, the children cannot even go to school. Sports are a very great thing to do in life and sometimes children do not have the chance to play them. As an athlete sports can always make me feel better when I am having a bad
Sports are a fun thing for kids, they play them all the time, but sports aren't always what they’re cracked up to be. Parents can get to involved and pressure there kids, kids that want to play professional sports can be let down when they don't get drafted. People say that sports start friendships but what's that worth if you can't remember them. Sports aren't good for kids.
I feel that is good for kid’s to be involved in sports but sometimes parents push kid’s to participate. Between practice, games and travel time, there is not much free time for family time, play time or study time. They need time to play with friends and develop social skills outside of organized sports. Do not turn them into a workhorse. Realize that you cannot live your dreams through your child, and that they have dreams of their own. A parent should help a child set performance goals and develop a winning perspective and strive to instill a healthy level of competition.
There are other potential options than just sports that students could enact in their spare time. For example, they could accomplish more of their homework, read a book or play casual sports (a sport that is a game merely for their enjoyment and noncompetitive), or go to the gym with their friends. The students at Monticello Trails will have extra time at home to complete their school work which will improve their overall academic performance. Also, they could do an alternate extracurricular activity. Ones at school include plays, student council, clubs, etc. These activities can help students’ mental health as well as their social skills. Kids will still have the interaction with other
In a post in the Huffington Post states,“Much of the inordinate primacy of sport is based on a pervasive, anecdotal, understanding (at least amongst those in power) that sport is always and necessarily a ‘powerful teacher of valuable, positive tangential lessons’ (‘respect,’ ‘teamwork,’ ‘motivation,’ etc.)”(Quora). Athletes act as teachers to the youth, and teach lessons that can not be easily taught in the household. Getting experience is exactly what these events provide, and is exactly what minorities need in today's society. Teaching the children at a young age how to be leaders and work as a team, will guarantee a bright future for the nation as well as create many great adults for the future. New York Times states, “For the past 75 years, parents have enrolled their children in local Little League programs.
One reason why kids should play sports is that, kids learn many life lessons from participating in organized sports. A common cliche that is that Sports are all about athleticism, but their are many valuable lessons to be learned in sports. As written in an article by Leah Ariniello, “Children will be exposed to bad manners, bad language, and complete put-downs during competitive sports”(Ariniello). Criticism will teach kids to brush off rude comments and keep faith in themselves. Kids will learn to keep their head held high and swallow their pride. Children will be taught, that in the real world, life is not always going to be easy and people will criticize them, but that does not mean kids can just give up on life. In the same article, Leah Ariniello talks about how a child's schedule, comprised of sports, education, and family time slowly teaches kids time management skills (Ariniello). The involvement in organized sports helps kids keep away from things like alcohol and drugs. They do not have the time to do these unwanted things while trying to handle their
Another reason being on a sports team is a plus is maintaining a healthy body. Playing such sports as baseball after school keeps your child fit and less likely to fall into being overweight which with people and children alike is sweeping the nation today. At school you sit and learn all day and getting out their after school playing sports will keep their body in great shape! It will make your child feel good if their body is feeling good. It will give them self confidence if their body is a healthy
One reason all kids should have opportunities to go to school sports is, it's good for everyone. Simply rooting for a team at a sporting event, brings a group of people together. It makes people that are not athletes feel included,
There are many activities, clubs, and classes offered at (EDMS) that students have the option to choose from each year. Some of the clubs students choose are Nerd herd, Art, and Spanish club. When it comes to activities, cheerleading, basketball, track or soccer are all very popular. In additional tion, foreign language, drama and chorus are all classes that students enjoy. However, the most popular out of everything that takes place at EDMS is Adventure Recreation.
In Katie Couric’s Notebook: Kids and Sports she explains that during the season kids that play sports get increased grades. This could be credited to teachers threatening to remove them from the team among other reasons. On Are High School Sports Good For Kids it further clarifies this by referencing a study in Michigan that shows that children who participate in sports have increased educational aspirations, closer ties to school and increased occupational aspirations in youth. It is shown that sports cause this because when the season ends their marks drop back to normal.