
Persuasive Essay: Why Are Travel Teams Popular?

Decent Essays

“Why are travel teams popular?”

Sports are universal and make up a good majority of kids’ extra-curricular involvement these days. As a person who has played sports for most of my life, I can definitely say that I enjoyed being a part of travel sports teams in the offseason. Whenever a person is passionate about something, they tend to work a little harder, succeed more often and reach the goals they set for themselves; travel sports allow for this. They allow you to work on your skills and athletics outside of your regular season, but also allow you to have fun while doing it. Sports were made for two types of people: the people that enjoy sports just for the exercise, social aspect and having fun, and the people who are competitive, have a driven passion and want to continue with their sport into the future. After reading the article, “Michelle Obama: All kids should play sports, not just …show more content…

These kids may still take their school sports seriously and want to do well during their season. However, even though they may be very good players, they do not have any desire to continue with their sport after high school. These kids usually play sports for the status quo and may find themselves to be more popular among their peers when they are involved in sports. I think these kids find travel sports appealing because it is fun. They can meet some of the coolest people by playing travel sports and make lifelong friendships. They get to travel for a whole weekend with these new friends, play the sport they love, hang out in between games and make memories that will last a lifetime. I played travel basketball from fourth grade through my senior year and have met many great friends throughout the process. I can still sit down with any of my old travel team friends and reminisce about all of our amazing memories and stories that we share from playing travel

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