
Persuasive Speech On Air Pollution

Decent Essays

Did you know that 33% of the Chinese inhabitants live in such polluted conditions comparable to smoking two packs of cigars per day? Did you know that in some parts of Asia the smog and pollution is so thick you can’t even see the stars during the night? The threat to our health has been immense due to the air pollution. It increases the risk for stroke, asthma, cancer, heart attacks and other diseases and conditions that are dangerous for all living beings.

Many people find it interesting that the pollution has such an effect on our health, yet still no substantial action has been taken to turn the tables. Therefore, the question “Who will have to pay for all the pollution” will be discussed. Today’s society speaks about that we must start …show more content…

Air pollution is a result of when any kind of harmful as well as damaging dust, gases, smokes additionally chemicals gets released out in the air and the impact can harm any kind of living creature. It refers to the air contamination both indoors as well as outdoors. There are several causes of air pollution. Some of the main reasons are: burning of fossil fuels, agricultural activities, exhaust from factories and industries and mining operations. Pictures of children or adults covering their faces with masks along with dark clouds and dust in the background are spread globally; a reality that isn’t ours here in Sweden. Still in cities like Chongqing, Cairo and Kanpur it’s …show more content…

As an effect that more are getting sick as a result of pollution is that even their private economy gets affected. Healthcare, medicine in addition doctor’s visits are expensive and, therefore, those who do not live in a country with a good health system or does not have a good in current will suffer a great deal. Dr. Qian Qian Sun says that she makes an effort to move her patients whose asthma are linked to air pollution away from factories. However on the other hand; for the sake of moving away to control a member of the family’s asthma you just might move away from job opportunities. In that way one’s financial status can be at risk not only due be the medical cost, perhaps even for moving away from the city you live in and leave behind your career. Preceded by pollution people will not only have a greater risk for having health problems, they will also have clean

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