
Persuasive Speech On Animal Testing

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Animals are more than test dummies, they are friends, family or even sometimes considered your sidekick. So why do we experiment on them, aren't their lives just as valuable as ours? Even though animals are appropriate research subjects, considering they are similar to humans in many ways, testing on animals is wrong, cruel, and inhumane. Innocent creatures are forced or subjected to pain and are put in harm's way, there are better ways to test products that don't involve killing or harming animals. Some people may not know what animal testing is exactly. Let me enlighten you, as reported by ,Cruelty Free International, “Animal testing is any scientific experiment where an animal is used as the test subject. It is most likely to cause the animal pain, suffering distress or injuries that could last them their entire life and the animal is also normally killed at the end of the experiment.” This includes things such as, Injecting or forcefully feeding animals and or exposing harmless animals to radiation. Surgically taking animal organs and harming them while doing so. Forcing animals to breath in toxic gasses and also killing the animal to see how it reacts to pain. One of the many reasons why I believe that scientists should not be able to use animals as test subjects is because the number of animals injured, hurt, or killed. According to the article “11 Facts About Animal Testing” In US labs every year 100 million animals are crippled, burned, poisoned and abused. In tests of potential carcinogens, subjects are given an substance every day for two years. Other tests involve killing pregnant animals and testing on the fetuses. If you harm or mistreat an animal in any way, then it is considered animal abuse. So how is it that the cruelty that scientists show towards animals goes unnoticed? The United States Department of Agriculture signed into law the “Animal Welfare Act” in 1966. As stated by the USDA, It is the only law in the US that regulates the treatment of animals in research, exhibition, and transport. Yet animals are still being exploited by animal research facilities and cosmetic companies all around the world. In addition to that Michael O. Leavitt, former secretary for the US Department of

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