I. Attention step A. Attention –getter: How many of you have gone to a grocery store where they are known for providing healthy foods that do not contain GMO’s? Well these companies could be just trying to milk money from you by overcharging and not giving you the whole picture on GM foods. B. Significance of topic: The conversation about GM foods is important to all of us because we want ourselves and our families to be healthy but the media and some companies supporting non-GMO will portray GM foods in a negative light and will ignore their benefits entirely. C. Speaker credibility: After many tiresome hours of research I did on this topic I’m here to give you all of the facts that some non-GMO companies fail to tell you. D. Preview of …show more content…
Problem step (showing a need) A. Simple statement of problem: GM foods are beneficial to our society but are negatively portrayed to us from supporters of the non-GMO movement. a. (Statistic) In a meta-analysis on impacts of GM foods done by Wilhelm Klümper, it was found that the introduction of GM technology reduced chemical pesticide use by 37%, increased crop yield by 22%, and increased farmers profits by 68%(Klümper, 2014).
B. Illustration: a. (Statistic) According to Battelle Institute, the Golden Rice Project is seeking to bring vitamin A enriched rice to the market so they can prevent about five hundred thousand cases of childhood blindness and two million deaths caused by vitamin A deficiency in third world countries per year(Battelle, 2015).
C. Ramifications: Now, imagine if we did not have genetically modified foods. a. (Example) According to April Fulton, of National Geographic, without GMO’s we could lose things like the Florida orange, flu-free chicken, seafood, the fight against blindness and malnutrition, and many other helpful resources from GM foods(Fulton, 2016). D. Pointing: (Picture) How many of you have had any of these products in the past
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(Expert Testimony)In the National Geographic Article, Pamela Ronald, a UC Davis scientist, has been working to develop a disease-resistant, drought-tolerant rice and she states, “All this arguing about what’s genetically modified is a big distraction from the really important goals. We need to produce safe and nutritious food that consumers can afford and farmers can profit from.” (Fulton, 2015).
Here she is stating that the argument about whether or not GM foods are good for us distracts us from the goals that they are helping us achieve.
D. Practical experience: a. (Example) In an article from the San Diego Union Tribune, by Pat Maio, it states that a high school senior from Escondido, named Jacob Lloyd, worked in conjunction with Betsy Read, a molecular cell biology professor here at Cal State San Marcos, to find a way to make it so GMO crops did not cross pollinate with other non-GMO crops, ultimately making GMO foods safer(Maio, 2015).
E. Meeting objections a. There are people who would disagree with me and would say that GM foods are hazardous to our
to argue against the media that caused fear to erupt in the public. To begin his essay, he explains
Rising GM foods such as B.t. corn can aid to remove the use of chemical pesticides and decrease the price of transporting crops to the market. A specific fascinating pro of genetically modified foods is how they can be encoded to be drought and cold resistant. By creating drought resistant seeds, even in the worst weeks of the dry season, or even in the driest parts of Africa, these crops will grow regardless the situation. This is a huge development of technology and science when it comes to creating this kind of foods. Being cold resistant is also a fascinating innovation instead of the modern growing season being in the summertime months, winter weather can also be a productive time for agriculturalists. This means more harvest and more income for framers.
GM foods are in the middle of many controversial issues; primarily these are addressed by conflicts over the relative pros and cons of GM foods. Major biotech companies like ‘Monsanto ' and ‘Cargill ' are promoting GM foods by focusing only on their beneficial aspects, giving least importance to their negative effects on safety, environment and biodiversity. On the other hand, governmental regulators and nongovernmental organizations, along with some scientists, are strictly opposing this type of blind promotion of GM food by enlightening the people on their negative effects The controversies associated with GM foods include issues such as safety, environmental benefits and risks, biodiversity, and ethical and social considerations.GM foods are implicated for adverse human health risks like people being allergic to it, environmental hazards such as development of super weeds, and pesticide and antibiotic resistance in disease causing organisms. On the other
“When you light a candle, you also cast a shadow.” – Ursula K. Le Guin. No matter what good some people believe they are doing, everything seems to come with a consequence, and the question is whether or not the good overpowers the bad. Many experts argue that Genetically Modified foods are actually beneficial to, not only people, but animals, plants, and the world overall. Some experts even state that, not only are they beneficial, but that they also protect the environment and aid food productivity. Most farmers actually recommend GMO’s because they are easier to grow, maintain, and tend to be more profitable; however, countless other experts have come to realize that GMO foods are untested, unsafe, and unhealthy. Studies indicate that
For a while now, the food that we consume has been generated through a far more complicated process than we had ever thought. Genetically Modified Organisms is the process by which food is being altered and grown in ways that do not occur naturally. Farming practices have been altered from organic to majorly GMO, in order to accommodate this highly profitable industry as well as the high demand by the citizens. GMOs allow food to grow faster, act as a bug repellant, and also cause the product to grow bigger in size in a short time span. We have for the most part stopped relying on local farmers and organic product to know depending on what is most convenient to us. With grocery stores being so readily available with anything you could possibly think of, or ask for, it would be hard to pass this convenience up.
In the documentary Food Inc, directed by Robert Kenner, it highlights the perspective of those who oppose Monsanto and other companies that are modifying the food production industry by implementing GMO’s into their seeds. GMO’s, or genetically modified organisms, are living organisms that scientists have in some way changed the genome of to have the resulting organism, such as a seed or crop in the case of Monsanto, express a desired trait. Many think that genetically modifying a seed alters the genes of the plant to the point that it should no longer even be classified as the same plant. Also, many fear the adverse repercussions of consuming GMO’s and the effects that they have on human health. As said previously, one main contributor to
Preview your Main Points: GMO’s have put millions of people around the world at serious health risks in order to gain the benefit of economic success. Unknown reactions from genetically modified food seem to be overlooked by many.
Some consumers claim GMO’s do not increase yields or even result in lower yields. Arguing these statements Monsanto, an agricultural company, states, “In agriculture, desirable crop characteristics are known as traits. One of the most important traits is yield. Improving crop yield can be accomplished through both breeding and biotechnology. GM crops generally have higher yields due to both breeding and biotechnology”. The statements revolving around the anti-GMO myths are continuously being revoked as further research comes out. By increasing yields, farmers are able to sell more crops which in return can have a positive effect on the economy. Geoffrey Lean, who published a story in the UK newspaper later, claimed his article on GMO reduced yields based on Dr. Barney Gordon of Kansas State University’s manganese research was given a rebuking response. Dr. Gordon himself claimed Geoffrey Lean’s work was “a gross misrepresentation of my research and a good example of irresponsible journalism”. While the yields were more relevant in
There are two groups that shares different views about genetically modified food. One of the groups is the proponents of genetically
In December 2014, a Harvard professor wrote an article outlining the many benefits of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and why it is a good idea to use them. This professor is now surrounded by controversy because he failed to note his connection to the largest producer of GM seeds, Monsanto, who not only told him to write the article but also gave him the major points he was to address. Why was this such a huge deal, and why did Monsanto want a pro-GMO article out there so badly? The GMO debate is largely controversial, but largely misunderstood because of the misinformation given by biased writers, such as John Hibma, a nutritionist and author who wrote the article “More Pros Than Cons.” What many people do not realize is that genetic modification is a serious issue and that articles like Hibma’s fail to disclose the truth about the numerous health, crop, and environmental concerns surrounding GMOs.
C. Those opposed believe the only ones benefiting from GMO’s are big businesses like Monsanto. Monsanto’s company is the largest producer of herbicides, pesticides and
GMOs, (genetically modified organisms) have been a topic of interest in the social eyes for years. Since they’ve been created, many people have voiced and written about their opinions on GMOs, and whether they are dangerous or not. Created to expand the genetic diversity of crops and animals, many don’t know whether GMOs are good or bad, and neither do researchers. Though there hasn’t been any evidence claiming whether GMOs are good or bad, it has certainly not stopped the public from creating their own opinions. Since no one knows the truth behind GMO, it has opened a window of opportunities for companies including Monsanto to voice their support of GMO, while other companies like the Non-GMO Project voice their
Making them safe to eat and no studies were required to test the safety of these GM foods. The reason for this, the FDA official in charge of promoting GMOs was the former attorney for Monsanto, one of the biggest biotech companies that made huge profits. After the official was removed from his position in the FDA, it was found that the FDA scientist had actually warned against the use of GM foods because of their ability to create hard to predict side effects such as new diseases, nutritional problems, and allergies. These scientist pushed for long-term safety studies but were rejected. Many of biotech companies that have been found to hide the effects of their toxins, are in charge of deciding whether foods are GM
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience all about GMO’S in food, including the positive and negative effects they have on us and society.
b. GM Foods are made because they are lower susceptibility to disease, drought, and pests.